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Ocean City

2016 Zombie 5K set for Snow Hill

Register today for the 3rd annual Zombie 5K / 1 Mile walk benefiting the Worcester County Recreation & Parks (WCRP) youth scholarship fund. This event takes place on Friday, October 21 at the John Walter Smith Park in Snow Hill.

The race starts at 6:00 p.m. and open registration begins at 5:00 p.m.ย  Open to all ages, a 5K course will offered for runners and a 1 Mile course for walkers.ย  Both courses will begin outside and will finish inside the Worcester County Recreation Center (WCRC) Indoor track.

The registration fee is $25 per runner for the 5K course or $20 per walker for the 1 mile course. Families of 4 can register for the 5K course for $90 or the 1 mile course for $70.ย  All participants will receive an event t-shirt! Prior registration is encouraged. An additional $5 will be applied if registering the day of the event.

Prizes will be awarded to the top runners and participants are invited to dress up in a Halloween costume.

For more information on this event or to become an event sponsor, contact Lea Cataggio at 410-632-2144 ext.2509 or lcataggio@co.worcester.md.us. Visit our website at www.WorcesterRecandParks.org to sign up for email announcements.

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