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Ocean City, Maryland: Windmills – Meeting for Windmill Construction Off Coast

Ocean City, Maryland: Windmills – Meeting for Windmill Construction Off Coast

Saturday, January 18th, 2020,12:00PM at Roland E. Powell Convention Center on 4001 Coastal Hwy, Ocean City, MD there will be a meeting for anyone that wants to voice their thoughts about proposed offshore wind farms directly off of Delaware and Maryland beaches. (Please comment below to let us know if you plan on attending to talk about Ocean City’s Windmills)

Mayor’s Office Sent Out Letter About Ocean City, Maryland Meeting for Windmill Construction Off Coast

Ocean City Maryland Windmills
graphic provided by Mayor’s Office to show scale of wind turbine

A Letter from the Mayor of Ocean City, Rick Meehan,  states, ” The Town of Ocean City while in support for clean energy in Maryland; has opposed the size and location of the wind turbines. As the size of the turbines has increased, so has our concern for the visual impact they will have on our community and our property values.” In response to the size of the windmills now being proposed, the letter further said, “In order to avoid the destruction of our natural view forever and the negative impact on our community, the Town of Ocean City is insisting these turbines be moved at least 33 miles from shore.”

” The Town of Ocean City while in support for clean energy in Maryland; has opposed the size and location of the wind turbines. As the size of the turbines has increased, so has our concern for the visual impact they will have on our community and our property values.”

Ocean City Maryland Windmills
graphic provided by Town of Ocean City

Previous Studies on Windmills impeding Ocean Views 

The letter from the Mayor’s office referenced studies done by both University of Delaware and North Carolina State University showing tourism is significantly impacted when turbines are in view.  The letter cited, ” studies suggest 15% of tourists would go elsewhere (UD study) and 54% of renters would not return (NC State Study).”

Ocean City, Maryland Windmill Construction Off Coast: Main Items of Concern

The meeting and letter our to educate and hear about the following possible impacts:

  • Property values 
  • Job loss
  • Power Grid Connection
  • Cost to Use Midmill Power Over Current Available Energy
  • Commercial Fishing
  • Marine & Wildlife

The Maryland Public Service Commission granted the town’s request to hold a public hearing to determine if additional restrictions should be placed on the projects due to the drastic increased size of the wind turbines.

Ocean City, Maryland Meeting for Anyone

If you would like to attend or have your voice heard Ocean City’s windmills, but cannot make the meeting, here is a link the Town of Ocean City  has provided to submit comments in the event of an absence. https://www.psc.state.md.us/make-a-public-comment/


Questions about Electronic Tolls for Bay Bridge to Ocean City, Maryland Answered

Jessica Bauer
Jessica Bauer
Jessica is a creative through and through. She loves creating from sun up to sun down. She is an artist, a friend, a mom, a wife, and whatever other hat she might wear in a day. You might find Jessica with a camera or sketch pad in the local area, but you might find her far and away as she loves to travel. If you see her say, hi and give her dog/baby, Joey a hello too since they usually travel together!

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