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Maryland COVID cases continue to rise; Governor Lays Out New Funding to Help Businesses and Residents

Hogan held a press conference to address the increasingly grim  COVID numbers in Maryland just two days after his last update.  Maryland’s positivity rate has gone up to 5.65%.  We are in the red zone for case rates despite the fact that Maryland’s COVID rates are lower than 37 other states.

The Governor went into great detail on the grant funding available to businesses in Maryland.  Businesses that need funding should go to Open.Maryland.gov to learn more. The Department of Labor continues to distribute Layoff Aversion Funds, more funds are still available and are accessible at this link: Layoff Aversion Fund

  • 81,000 businesses have already received $10 billion in PPP funding
  • Already paid $8 Billion in unemployment assistance to 640K Marylanders
  • $250 Million already provided in emergency economic relief.  That program was doubled to $500 Million last month to protect jobs.
  • $50 million in direct relief to restaurants
  • $20 million for COVID layoff aversion fund (12,000 jobs have been saved through this program so far.)
  • More funding options available – details are available at Open.Maryland.gov.

He also detailed funds available to help Maryland residents, discussed vaccines and companies who are increasing employment in the state to ramp up the production of vaccines. 


Must distribute CARES ACT funding within the next 48 days

  • $20 million for Maryland’s strategic stockpile of PPE
  • $15 million for staffing and programs at the Maryland Department of Labor
  • $10 million to double investment in rental housing assistance
  • $10 million in the acquisition of necessary vaccination supplies.  We will be ready when a vaccine becomes available.
  • $10 Million in additional support for Maryland Food Banks
  • $2 Million in emergency supplemental funds for foster care providers.
  • $2 Million in Cares Act Funding to increase call service capacity at the Maryland Department of Human Services 
  • $1 Million for innovative wastewater sampling program to detect COVID outbreaks in vulnerable populations

The Governor believes that if we work together, we can change the deteriorating COVID numbers.  Please wear your masks when you cannot socially distance.   He also reminded everyone that family gatherings and house parties are fueling the community spread and that he is spending Thanksgiving with only his wife. 


Ann has been with StateVentures since 1999. She moved from Annapolis to Berlin, MD to be closer to Ocean City. She splits her work week between the two locations to help clients and visitors get the best information and value out of our sites. She loves a camera and any excuse to use it.  Her kids are both grown and off adventuring.  Ann loves to travel with her kids and lives with her dog Marley when she's not in Virginia fishing.

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