For the month of December the Ocean City Life-Saving Station Museum will be exhibiting The Fire of 1925 in our changing exhibit entitled “Archives and Artifacts.” This new exhibit began in September and showcases artifacts normally housed in our storage facility. Every month the exhibit will display a unique piece of Ocean City history.
This year marks the 92nd anniversary of the “Great Fire of 1925” which destroyed two blocks between Worcester and Somerset Streets, including Dolle’s Candyland, The Atlantic Hotel, and the original Pier building and Fishing Pier.
In 1925 the Ocean City Volunteer Fire Company had only one fire engine which, subsequently had broken down the same day the Great Fire broke out. As a result, Ocean City had to call for help from the Berlin, Pocomoke, Snow Hill and Salisbury Fire Departments.
For the month of December the Museum is open Saturdays and Sundays from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm. For more information please visit our website: or call: (410) 289-4991.
Photo Caption:
This photograph shows the Mack Pumper fire engine from Berlin, Maryland on the scene of the 1925 Fire in Ocean City. It is from Collection of George & Suzanne Hurley