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Ocean City

Beat Virtual Fatigue: A “Tail” of an Ocean City, MD Escape

Ocean City Maryland, information on vacation rentals, real estate, lodging, restaurants, dining, events, fishing, charter boats, watersports and attractions.

Beat virtual fatigue

How can you beat virtual fatigue? COVID-19 changed our way of life. The thought of traveling now may seem daunting and scary. The same could be said about virtual world—many families work, attend school, and try to balance their personal lives in the same space: the Home. Like me, they may be nervous about travel and they may be tired of Zoom, but there is a solution that beckons. For me, fears of travel and wariness from Zoom are no match for the allure of Ocean City. Beat virtual fatigue this way.

I remember one October day, I was walking with Bull, my dog, on the beach. She stretched the leash to the limit running ahead; I tried to catch up with her. When I did, she was already digging in the sand. As I walked up to see what she was searching for, I saw it.

Inside the hole she made, surrounded by piles of sand, was a blue cooler. She looked at me and barked. “What are you waiting for? Open it!” I bent down and pulled back the lid.

That’s when I smelled it. Thrasher’s. Fisher’s caramel popcorn. A Dumser’s Dairyland chocolate milkshake. They were all inside and perfectly wrapped and insulated. Who would leave these great treasures?

The aroma was too much. I started eating and unwrapped the signature Thrasher’s cup, grabbed a handful of golden-brown fries, and stuffed them in my mouth. I was so enticed by the aroma—I didn’t even look to see if vinegar was in the box. Thrasher’s with vinegar is a treat like no other. The thought of vinegar-soaked Thrasher’s made me thirsty.

I grabbed the milkshake, opened it, and could not wait to taste the chocolate. Dumser’s icy treats are delicious, but I wanted to make my own new flavor and add some crunch. I swiped a handful of caramel corn and began munching. Perfect, I thought. I grabbed the cooler in preparation for the journey back to the Boardwalk. Just seeing the sights and sounds made the wheels in my head spin with thoughts of miniature golf, the Ferris wheel, people watching, and so many other great escapes. Bull tugged at the leash and was eager to get started.

She looked at me and opened her mouth. “Are there any dog treats?” I looked around, wondering who spoke. I looked at Bull. She again said, “Are there any dog treats? I know you can hear me.” Wait—can Bull talk? I thought to myself. I shook my head and in that instant, I woke up in my bed. I looked over at Bull, who had sat upright and looked at me with her quizzical eyes. Thoughts of Zoom danced through my head. Virtual meetings. Virtual school. Virtual life. I needed to get away. So did she.

“We’ll get you those dog treats at Sandy Paws. Maybe we’ll check out  The Shrimp Boat for lunch. You can sit with me. Bull—do you want to go to OC today?” I asked. She leapt up and paced on the bed in eager anticipation. Travel fears and thoughts of virtual world faded away. OC is the answer. It is a great escape from virtual world. I know it and Bull knows it. Other people should, too.

What OC offers is beyond compare. It is my way to beat virtual fatigue, and always will be. We got ready to hop in the car and then, it hit me. OC is not just a place for summer or fall. It is something to be enjoyed year-round. Octoberfest. Sunfest. Winterfest. Springfest. Come to think of it, there is a fest for every season. Not only that, but there are activities for almost anything the mind imagines. OC is the best way to beat virtual fatigue. Try it!

Don’t forget to visit https://www.oceancity.com/ for more great articles!

Jack Bradley
Jack Bradley
Jack Bradley is a contributor to Oceancity.com and ShoreCraftBeer.com and works as an Academic Counselor at Delaware Technical Community College. He assists students with academic advisement, teaches first year seminars, manages the food pantry, and serves as advisor for the Alpha Zeta Kappa Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa, the Community College Honor Society. An English major at the College of the Holy Cross, Jack has always loved to write and is grateful for the opportunity to be a contributor to this site. He received an an M.B.A. from Clark University and an Ed.D. in Educational Leadership from the University of Delaware. When he is not working or writing, he can be found out and about in Ocean City and surrounding towns, enjoying the amazing attractions they have to offer.

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