21.2 F
Ocean City

A Visit to Assateague on a September Evening

Fall is my favorite season in Ocean City, MD and Assateague is my favorite place to visit.  We are experiencing an Indian summer so the temperatures are in the 80s during the day with 50s at night.  The ocean is still warm so swimmers and beach revelers are enjoying the beach, but the droves of visitors are gone.  Surfers love the corduroy waves generated by the storms headed north off-shore.  They just hope that the winds cooperate to keep the waves clean and long.

I took some pictures of my favorite outing – horses walked on the beach with the kids and families.  Couples were sitting around campfires because the evening chill in the air brings that romance back.  Parking is easy.  The mosquitoes are terrible, but you can outrun them to reach the beach where the bugs are gone and just the birds and ocean will distract you.

The sun set while we were on the beach and we, along with the ponies, headed back to the parking lot.  We stopped to take a few pictures of nature’s light show on the bay before we drove back over the bridge.

Enjoy the photos.

This is your grand entrance to the beach on Assateague from the national park.
Asssateague is a great place to take pictures at sunset.
Just south of the entrance, the ponies were mingling with other beach goers to enjoy the end of the day.
Walking north as the sun goes down.
Even the ponies love the beach!
One outlier surveys the ocean with his little friends.
The colors just keep getting better on the beach at Assateague.
A child was clearly running on the beach.
The detritus of a day’s play.
The sun is setting behind the dunes on Assateague.
Even the ponies leave the beach as the sun goes down.
And the sun is gone.
The colors stay beautiful as we head back to the car.
The bump out is a great place to get out of the way and contemplate your day.
The last of the light reflected on the bay.
Nature’s light show at the end of the day as you leave the island.
Ann has been with StateVentures since 1999. She moved from Annapolis to Berlin, MD to be closer to Ocean City. She splits her work week between the two locations to help clients and visitors get the best information and value out of our sites. She loves a camera and any excuse to use it.ย  Her kids are both grown and off adventuring.ย  Ann loves to travel with her kids and lives with her dog Marley when she's not in Virginia fishing.

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