35.6 F
Ocean City

A Winterfest Excursion

A Night at Ocean City’s Winterfest


Ride over the Bridge Sets the Tone

It was a cold night as we drove along Route 90 into Ocean City. From the bridge, you could see the array of lights set along the coastline, illuminating the buildings all around town. Once parked, we made our way to the Winterfest of Lights display, where a large Christmas tree towered over the entrance to the tent in which we would await the tram. Being a weekday, there werenโ€™t many people, so we managed to move through the line very quickly. I purchased my ticket, walked into the tent and swiftly moved in line. I could hardly smell anything other than the coffee and the sweets that were being carried around.

hot chocolate
Even though there wasn’t much of a wait, the smell of hot chocolate was almost too much, although I warmed myself with coffee after my ride.

Plenty of photo ops on the Winterfest of Lights tram

When I got on the tram, the conductor welcomed us all and made the kids giggle. The whole ride was narrated, and a recorded song played depending on what part of the display we were passing. I saw all sorts of the typical Christmas allusionsโ€”Elves, “The Twelve Days of Christmas,” and fun lights like sharks and jungle animals. I should note that the tram moved slow enough to take every light in and a window for photo or video. I felt as if I could really take in each light and display individually. Despite it being about a week before Christmas, the experience of sitting on the tram makes you feel like a kid again. The colossal trees and wires that winded by my eyes was easy to lose myself in. After passing countless Santas, Christmas trees, candy canes and more, the tram returned us to  the place where we boarded.

Cocoa & Coffee to Warm Up

I walked around the tent in an attempt to shake off the cold. I ended up getting coffee (which warmed me instantly as I held it) and entered the small gift shop in which Ocean Cityโ€™s crafts were combined with little ornaments and candy.

A tour of the Winterfest of Lights, a visit with Santa and a candy cane. You can’t do much better.

A visit with the man himself

My last excursion was to visit the man himself in his workshopโ€”Santa. When I got into Santaโ€™s Workshop, my little brother, along with other anxious children, had notes for Santa, which his helpful elves would save after each child’s encounter with Olโ€™ Saint Nick.
We left happily, my little brother and I, with smiles on our faces and cookie crumbs on our clothes.

This article was created in 2016 and has been updated for 2019
Jessica Bauer
Jessica Bauer
Jessica is a creative through and through. She loves creating from sun up to sun down. She is an artist, a friend, a mom, a wife, and whatever other hat she might wear in a day. You might find Jessica with a camera or sketch pad in the local area, but you might find her far and away as she loves to travel. If you see her say, hi and give her dog/baby, Joey a hello too since they usually travel together!

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