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Ocean City

Bay Bridge to Ocean City will have Electronic Tolls by Summer 2020

Route to Ocean City Will Now Have Electronic Toll Bridge

The Maryland Transportation Authority (MDTA) has announced an aggressive construction timeline that will allow full-time all-electronic (cashless) tolling to be in place at the Bay Bridge by this summer. January marked the  start of motorists will seeing demolition of some of the existing toll booths to create wider lanes at the Bay Bridge plaza in preparation for all-electronic tolling. On the Eastern Shore side of the bridge, crews also will prepare for installation of overhead tolling gantries between the Bay Bridge and MD 8 on Kent Island. Toll operations will no longer exist approaching the bridge from Annapolis once the overhead tolling gantries are operational on Kent Island. Motorists traveling eastbound will be tolled as they get off the bridge.

โ€œWe know motorists who use the Bay Bridge are ready to embrace all-electronic tolling,โ€ said MDTA Executive Director Jim Ports. โ€œThis past fall, Governor Hogan asked us to initiate cashless tolling at the bridge as soon as possible. This schedule will allow us to fulfill that mission, and this project is the next logical step as Maryland toll facilities move toward an all-electronic system.โ€

Route to Ocean City Will Now Have Electronic Toll Bridge by Summer 2020
image credit: baltimore.cbslocal.com

No Cash Payments, No Stopping on Bay Bridge to Ocean City

With all-electronic tolling, cash is not accepted as payment. Drivers do not have to stop to pay tolls, as overhead gantries collect tolls electronically by E-ZPassยฎ or Video Tolling. The benefits of all-electronic tolling:

  • Less idling time for better fuel efficiency
  • Reduced emissions
  • Decreased congestion
  • Increased driver safety
  • Safer work environment for employees

Schedule of Construction of Bay Bridge to Ocean City

Construction to implement full-time all-electronic tolling at the Bay Bridge started the evening of Sunday, January 12, when toll lanes 3, 4 and 5 permanently closed to allow workers to dismantle the toll booths in those lanes. Minimal traffic impact is expected. Motorists will use the remaining open toll lanes.

Bay Bridge to Ocean City – IMPORTANT

The Plazas will Remain Active Work Zones

During construction, it is critical drivers obey:

  • All roadway signs
  • Speed limits

While all-electronic tolling will be fully implemented by summer, remnants of the toll plaza will remain until 2022, when demolition and roadway reconstruction will be complete.

E-Z Pass Already Used by Majority

At the Bay Bridge, 74 percent of its drivers are already E-ZPassยฎ customers. To prepare for the summer implementation of all-electronic tolling, MDTA is expanding its marketing and outreach efforts to encourage motorists to sign up for E-ZPassยฎ.

Standard E-ZPassยฎ transponders

  • Free
  • No monthly fee for customers with Maryland addresses.

Sign-up for an E-Z Pass

Motorists should sign up now to start immediately saving on tolls and no later than spring to be ready for cashless tolling. Sign up at ezpassmd.com or by visiting E-ZPassยฎ Maryland Customer Service Centers at MDTA toll facilities, at many Maryland Department of Transportation Motor Vehicle Administration (MDOT MVA) locations and at retail partners. A full list of locations is available at the ezpassmd.com website. E-ZPassยฎ

Possible Discounts of Toll Rates

Maryland customers receive discounts at most state toll facilities. At the Bay Bridge, the two-axle E-ZPassยฎ Maryland toll rate is $2.50, and the two-axle Video Toll rate is $6. Bay Bridge commuter plans also are available and provide additional discounts.

The E-ZPassยฎ Outreach Bus is now at the Kent Island Volunteer Fire Company on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. through January. E-ZPassยฎ โ€œOn the Goโ€ transponders are available with a credit or debit card.

MDTA is self-sufficient and receives no gas tax, motor vehicle fees or other revenue from the Transportation Trust Fund. MDTA facilities are fully financed, operated, maintained, improved and protected through toll revenues paid by customers using those facilities.

Bay Bridge News

For the latest on Bay Bridge traffic, call 1-877-BAYSPAN (229-7726). To sign up for email/text alerts or to view real-time traffic camera images on MDTA roadways, visit mdta.maryland.gov. For updates on major incidents follow the MDTA on Twitter at twitter.com/TheMDTA. Follow us on Facebook at facebook.com/TheMDTA.

Jessica Bauer
Jessica Bauer
Jessica is a creative through and through. She loves creating from sun up to sun down. She is an artist, a friend, a mom, a wife, and whatever other hat she might wear in a day. You might find Jessica with a camera or sketch pad in the local area, but you might find her far and away as she loves to travel. If you see her say, hi and give her dog/baby, Joey a hello too since they usually travel together!

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