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Ocean City

Beach District Plants Offered to Ocean City Property Owners

Ocean City, Maryland โ€“ (January 18, 2023):  For the 18th year in a row, the Town of Ocean City will be offering beach district plants to the public for planting in the secondary dune area.   The plants being offered are hardy plants that tolerate the harsh environment of the ocean front areas.   In addition, these plants provide habitat enhancement, food and shelter, water quality treatment and erosion control to the secondary dune area, which tends to be overlooked and needs attention.

โ€œWe began this program to help create habitat and prevent erosion of the area behind the dune which was in need of attention,โ€ said Town of Ocean City Environmental Engineer Gail Blazer.  โ€œThe plants are very beneficial to the stability of the dune system and help with erosion and scour.  Our residents and property owners love the program and it benefits the environment and the beach, so it is a win for everyone.โ€

Oceanfront and ocean side residents will have the opportunity to order plants that will need to be picked up at a predetermined date and time. Suitable plants to add to a secondary dune area include beach grass, bayberry, rugosa rose, beach plum, high tide bush, red cedar and panic grass.  Applications are now being accepted, however, the deadline for all applications is February 24, 2023.

For more information or to receive an application, please contact Joann Landon at (410) 289-8887 or email JLandon@oceancitymd.gov. Also, more information is provided by visiting https://oceancitymd.gov/oc/departments/planning-community-development/.

Anne, a native of Edinburgh, Scotland, discovered Ocean City over three decades ago and was so captivated by its charm that she decided to make it her permanent home. Her love for travel remains strong, but Ocean City holds a special place in her heart. Anne's deep connection to the town is evident in her role as a seasoned writer for OceanCity.com, a position she's held since September 2014. Her frequent visits to local events, businesses, restaurants, and hotels have given her an insider's perspective, making her an invaluable resource for newcomers seeking the best experiences Ocean City has to offer.

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