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Being a local in Worcester County

When speaking of property, the catchphrase is location, location, location.  However, many people do not understand just how vitally important location is.

Individuals choose an area or county to live in based upon a number of varying criteria, but it all boils down to location of that county to the requirements or attractions for that person(s) or family.

The criteria can range from a specific school district to employment opportunities. Whatever county you reside in, you are a local to that area.

Worcester County pride

Being a local is about enjoying your community and taking pride in your neighborhood and your county. Here on the Eastern Shore, we are very fortunate in the many attractive features offered, such as close proximity to:

Chincoteague Island

Assateague Island

Ocean City beaches

Chesapeake Bay


St. Michaels

Assawoman Bay

The attractions listed above also bring with them a multitude of enjoyable pastime activities, including:




Water skiing



Bird watching

Observing wild life, including wild ponies



Walking on the beach


Driving on the beach

Divulging a few local secrets…

Being a local is also being aware of all the out-of-the-way places to locate good food.  In Worcester County, there are several โ€œoff the beaten pathโ€ restaurants and take-out treats that are well-known to locals and  should not be missed:

  • Emings for the best BBQ chicken and ribs.  Emings is located on Route 113 Northbound, only ยฝ mile before the Delaware border.   A lunch for two runs under $15!  Mark your calendar for the last Friday of each month for Emingsโ€™ pig roast.

    Emings BBQ.
  • Chesapeake Farms, located at the intersection of Route 50 and Logtown Road in Berlin, has the best (real cream) ice cream to be found.
Chesapeake Farms.
  • Grove Market restaurant offers a variety of dinner options. The building rests in a strand of trees on Bishopville Road. Reservations are required. No credit cards accepted, cash only.
  • For fresh crabs and seafood, Hemphills’ Dock is the place to go. Hemphills offers crabs at $35 a dozen. Call to make arrangements.
Hemphills’ Dock.

These local attributes are not only what attracts each and every one of us to our particular counties, but these attributes also add value to our properties. As much as we enjoy the coastal life, buyers looking to come to our area are even more attracted to that life.

Although factors like schools, churches, close proximity to shopping, etc. also have an impact on value, there are some advantages that are a common interest for the majority of the public.  As an example, the closer your property is to the areas of higher interest to the general public (i.e. the ocean, or bay), the more location affects your property value.  Of course, you cannot pick up your property and move it to another area, but you can extol the benefits that are available in your area.

Being a local means contributing to your neighborhood.  Contributing can be any number of tasks or acts, ranging from volunteering your time, to simply maintaining the outside of your home and yard.

For other suggestions or thoughts on how you can add to the value of your real estate, please contact the REALTOR in your area.

Joanna Laslo
Joanna Laslohttps://www.oceancitybeachproperties.com
Broker/Owner of Beach Real Estate, Inc., a local that Graduated from Stephen Decatur High School.ย  35+ years of experience in real estate sales.ย  Joanna is a broker in Maryland, Delaware and Virginia.ย  Joanna also manages Ocean City weekly condo and vacation rentals.

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