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Ocean City

Best Bachelor Party & Bachelorette Party Ideas in Ocean City, Maryland

So you are planning a bachelor party or bachelorette party in Ocean City, Maryland and you want some good ideas for the weekend. ย Since it is a time to spend with your best friends and maybe, soon to be family, we have come up with some intimate, fun recommendations. ย For your pre-wedding celebration, we know different people like different things. ย We will make suggestions for a high-octane activities and then more for a quieter weekend. ย Whether you want a spa weekend getaway with girlfriends for your bachelorette party or a paintball battle and deep sea fishing weekend with your bachelor party, we have you covered.

Meet at a Local Brewery

Inside Dogfish Head Brewing and Eats in Rehoboth

Dogfish Head Brewing and Eats in Rehoboth, DE is less than an hour from Ocean City and features some brews that are only available there. ย Their brewery in Milton is a little farther, but depending on where you are traveling from, could be a convenient stop. ย Many other breweries are near Rehoboth, including Big Oyster, Crooked Hammock, Dewey Beer Company, Iron Hill, Thompson Island and more. ย If Salisbury is easier, try EVO Craft Brewing or Tall Tales. ย Berlin is home to Burley Oak. ย If you want to meet closer to your lodging in Ocean City, Hoopers in West Ocean City is open in the summer and is the home to Fin City Brewing. ย Many more options are nearby so download the Shore Craft Beer App to find which brewery is closest to you.

Find Your Oceanfront Lodging

Rachel Lynn Huffman – Sunrise on 66th Street. Always worth getting up crazy early

After your beer, come into Ocean City to check into your hotel or vacation rental. Both are available in Ocean City depending on what you like. ย Oceanfront is perfect for a bachelor or bachelorette weekend because it allows each member of your group to get up on their own schedule. ย The early risers can get a run or walk in on the beach before the rest of the group gets going. ย Not that sunrises are likely to be enjoyed by your group this weekend, but the possibility is always there with an oceanfront hotel. ย Find your favorite hotel here.

Find your Favorite Restaurant

Live Music at Seacrets

Seacrets is always a great bet. ย The food is good and it has that beachy, island theme. ย You can get tropical drinks, beer, or anything else you might want at one of their many bars. ย The best part is the party atmosphere once you finish dinner. ย You don’t have to go anywhere to enjoy this time with your friends, dancing, drinking, and reminiscing.

You can also enjoy fabulous craft spirits and take their distillery tour. ย Their distillery is adjacent to the Seacrets nightclub and offers insider tours with all kinds of secrets thrown in. ย You see more and learn more about the Prohibition era than you thought possible.

If Seacrets doesn’t look like your speed, you can find other options here.

Head Out for Your Nightcap

Mackys ocean city bar
Macky’s is an ocean city bar and restaurant on the bay

Macky’s is a great place for dinner by the bay, but it’s also a great place to party the night away during the summer. ย You can dance, get a variety of drinks, sit by the bay and talk or do a combination of the options, adding others if you are creative. ย Macky’s is at 56th Street so you can get there by the Ocean City bus which runs frequently up and down Coastal Highway. There are also Ubers and taxis. ย Please don’t drink and drive.

Saturday is the Day for Play

Depending on how your night went, we have lots of recommendations for a day of sun and fun. ย You can’t come to Ocean City without a trip out on the water.

Liquid Limo

We recommend Liquid Limo for the wilder ride. We think this is a great way to enjoy your day with your friends before your wedding. ย You can bring your own food and beverages and enjoy as much or as little time as you like on the water. ย Our writer helped set the stage with an article on the Liquid Limo here.

Sail Alyosha & OC Bay Hopper

Alyosha Sailing in Ocean City

These boats are options as well. ย Charter the Alyosha for a few hours or the day. ย Bring your food and drink and enjoy a trip into the ocean or in the bay behind Assateague. ย Anchor and swim away the hours or sail. ย Whatever your pleasure, owner Steve Butz or one of his captain’s will help you realize your dream day on the water.

Rent a Jet-Ski

Before you start drinking of course. ย We love Odyssea Watersports where you can rent jet-skis, pontoon boats, kayaks and SEadoo Trixxes. ย They also own Liquid Limo so one can can do it all! ย This group will ensure that you have a wonderful time on the water with your groomsmen.


Bayside Golf is only minutes from Ocean City and has a wonderful view

Ocean City is home to many golf courses and golf is aways a good option for Saturday of your bachelor party weekend. ย If you don’t want to tackle the regulation 18 hole courses or you haven’t saved enough time for a full round, try miniature golf.


Gear up and head to West Ocean City to the OC Paintball course. ย Run, dodge, and win – Best team heads back to the bar with bragging rights!

Charter a Fishing Boat

Kimberly Sue Valeri – First deep sea charter fishing trip. Had a blast and helped reel in these fish

Bringing home some fresh fish that you caught during an all-day or afternoon fishing adventure might just make up for your absence. ย There are head-boats where you and your groomsmen can buy passage on a boat that is already going out or you can charter the whole boat for your friends and head out to the fishing grounds off-shore. ย Fish for a few hours or all day, it’s relaxing on the water and you can enjoy some local craft beer that you bring in your own coolers.

Walk the Boards

It’s July 1st 2021, and visitors are out enjoying the Ocean City Boardwalk


There is so much to do on the Boardwalk at any time of day or night. ย You can stop at one of the many bars or restaurants, you can each French fries at Thrasher’s, you can ride the rides at either Jolly Roger at the Pier or Trimper’s

Beat Your Groomsmen at the Arcade Games

There are several arcades at the southern end of the Boardwalk where you can challenge your friends to a friendly competition. ย Skeeball, basketball and other arcade games can be found at Marty’s Playland. ย Who gets the most tickets wins – you can even give them to a kid on the way out if you want to cash them out yourself. ย Bumper cars are also a great way to show who is boss. ย Try Jolly Roger at 30th St.

Race in Go Karts

Pro Track Go Karts

You have to have a drivers license to engage in this sport, so leave the kids behind and bring your friends to Pro Trackย in West Ocean City where you can race at speeds up to 30 mph.

Head Back to Your Hotel

Grand Hotel Oceanfront in Ocean City MD
In front of the Grand Hotel

You will need to refresh before starting the real party on Saturday night, so head back to your hotel before starting the evening refreshed. ย The Grand is right on the Boardwalk so if you decide you want an oceanfront hotel on the Boardwalk, this one is a good option. ย You can find your favorite hotel location with OceanCity.com’s Area Guide.

Get Dinner & Drinks Before Heading Home on Sunday

Some hotels have fabulous bars and restaurants. The Harrison Group has over 10 hotels to ย and many restaurants to choose from, some with Prohibition Happy Hours, some with fabulous food, all unique and all interesting.

Spa Outing

Relaxing is as easy as booking an appointment at Creative Day Spa!

For some of you, a spa morning before you head home to the real world is a great way to wind up the Bachelorette Party Weekend. ย There are several spas to choose from in Ocean City and they offer everything from massages to stone therapy, facials and more. ย We know you’ll bring you new spouses back for more fun in Ocean City once you’ve tried even a few of these fabulous activities.

Whatever you choose to do, your Bachelor or Bachelorette Party in Ocean City, Maryland will be a weekend to remember.


Ann has been with StateVentures since 1999. She moved from Annapolis to Berlin, MD to be closer to Ocean City. She splits her work week between the two locations to help clients and visitors get the best information and value out of our sites. She loves a camera and any excuse to use it.ย  Her kids are both grown and off adventuring.ย  Ann loves to travel with her kids and lives with her dog Marley when she's not in Virginia fishing.


  1. I think OCSiren.com is the best bachelorette party option in OC!

    They cater their vessel to meet the needs of their clients and it’s an excellent option for bachelorette parties! They are a coast guard certified vessel for 23 passengers plus 2 crew members. The vessel comes with your own private captain and personal bartender! The bar is stocked and the vessel is complete with a clean bathroom! They pick up and drop off at Pier 23 in the west OC commercial harbor. The website is OCSiren.com. One of the owners can be reached at 4432351095.

    • We would love you to join us on OceanCity.com so your company will be visible and searchable to the 1+ million on OceanCity.com. Please let us know. Thanks!


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