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Ocean City

Crabbing in Ocean City: A Fun and Delicious Activity

Crabbing in Ocean City, Maryland is a fun and inexpensive way to spend the day.  Just grab a string, some chicken necks or fish heads, and head out.  You can try the canals, the guts or shallow beaches on the bayside.  Make sure to follow the rules and you might even catch enough for dinner!  What’s better than the iconic crab pickin’ with steamed crabs you caught yourself, covered in Old Bay and served on a picnic table with corn on the cob?!

Maryland Recreational Crabbing Rules, Regulations and Registration Information

No specific licenses are needed for recreational crabbing when you use hand lines and dip nets! You do need to ensure your gear is marked with your name and address.  If you are using other equipment, then licenses are required.  

Before you head out with your gear, make sure to understand these important regulations:


  • The open season for crabbing in Ocean City extends from April 1st through December 31st.

Who Needs a License?

  • Anyone using eel pots for bait, seines, or trotlines.
  • Anyone 16 or older using collapsible crab traps or net rings.
  • Anyone wanting to catch more than the unlicensed daily limits:
    • 24 male hard crabs (limit of one bushel)
    • 12 soft crabs or male peelers (limit of 24 total)

Available Licenses and Fees (Valid for 365 days)

  • Maryland Resident: $5
  • Non-Resident: $10
  • Resident with Chesapeake Bay & Coastal Sport Fishing License, or Resident Senior Consolidated Sport Fishing License: $2
  • Recreational Crabbing Boat License: $15

License Exemptions

You do NOT need a license if you’re:

  • Using handlines or dip nets.
  • Under 16 years old and using collapsible crab traps or net rings.
  • Assisting someone with a recreational crabbing license.
  • Crabbing from a boat displaying a recreational crabbing boat decal.

Waterfront Property Crab Pot Registration

  • Annual Registration: Required for owners/lessees/tenants of private shoreline property.
  • Crab Pot Limit: Maximum of two pots per property.
  • Registration is FREE but does not replace a recreational crabbing license.

For more details on Maryland recreational crabbing regulations, including turtle reduction devices, please visit the Maryland Department of Natural Resources website: dnr.maryland.gov/fisheries/pages/regulations/crabpot.aspx


You can crab at any time of day.

Sponge Crabs: Harvesting sponge crabs, which are egg-bearing female crabs, is strictly prohibited.

Size Limits:

    • Hard crabs โ€“ minimum of 5 inches (tip to tip of spikes)
    • Soft crabs โ€“ minimum of 3 ยฝ inches.
    • Peeler crabs โ€“ Specific minimum sizes apply based on season.
    • Mature female crabs โ€“ no minimum size

Catch Limits:

    • One bushel per person, per day
    • Two bushels per boat (if multiple people)

Legal Methods

These methods are allowed for crabbing in Ocean City’s coastal bays:

  • Trotline: A single trotline of up to 600 feet, or two of the same length if multiple people are on board a boat. Each end must be marked with floats.
  • Dip Nets and Handlines: No limit on the number allowed.
  • Seines: Seines must have small mesh (maximum ยผ inch), have specific size limitations, and be emptied from shore.
  • Collapsible Traps or Net Rings: 10 maximum per person, or 25 maximum on a boat with multiple people.
  • Waterfront Property Owners: You may place up to two crab pots on your property, respecting marking and cull ring requirements.

Armed with the knowledge of crabbing regulations and the right permits, you’re ready to dive into the exciting world of crabbing! But before you tie off your handlines, cast your trotline or set your traps, here are some valuable tips and tricks to maximize your catch and ensure a fun-filled crabbing adventure on the Maryland coast.

Where to Crab

Ocean City offers prime locations for crabbing, including:

  • Fishing Piers: Piers like the 9th Street Fishing Pier and Oceanic Fishing Pier offer convenient access.
  • Public Docks: Many public docks in and around Ocean City can be good crabbing spots.
  • Assawoman Bay, Sinepuxent Bay, Indian River Bay: These coastal bays offer lots of potential for successful crabbing.

Tips for Success

  • Chicken Necks: This is a classic, inexpensive bait.
  • Tide Timing: Crabbing is often best during an incoming tide.
  • Patience: Crabs move around, so stick with it!

Enjoying Your Catch

Nothing beats the flavor of fresh-caught Maryland blue crabs! There are many ways to prepare this delicious crustacean, but the classic steamed blue crab seasoned with Old Bay is a true classic of the region.

Remember, respect the regulations, protect the crab population, and enjoy a fun and rewarding crabbing experience in Ocean City!


Ann has been with StateVentures since 1999. She moved from Annapolis to Berlin, MD to be closer to Ocean City. She splits her work week between the two locations to help clients and visitors get the best information and value out of our sites. She loves a camera and any excuse to use it.ย  Her kids are both grown and off adventuring.ย  Ann loves to travel with her kids and lives with her dog Marley when she's not in Virginia fishing.

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