Emergency Phone Numbers
Police, Fire & Rescue: 9-1-1
COVID-19 Questions: 2-1-1
Downed Power Lines, Outages & Life-Threatening Emergencies: 1-800-898-8042
Emergency Management Hotline: 410-723-6666
Atlantic General Hospital: 410-641-1100
Beach Patrol: 410-289-7556; 410-250-0125
Coast Guard: 410-289-7559
MD Natural Resources Police: 410-548-7070
Maryland State Police: 410- 641-3101
Non Emergency Phone Numbers
Beach Patrol: 410-289-7556
U.S. Coast Guard Station: 410-289-7559
MD Natural Resources Police: 410-548-7070
Maryland State Police: 410-641-3101
Fire Department Headquarters,15th St.: 410-289-4346
Lost and Found (Police Department) 65th St.: 410-723-6611
Police Department 65th St.: 410-723-6610
Helpful Ocean City Phone Numbers
Municipal Airport: 410-213-2471
Animal Control: 410-723-6649
AAA Emergency Road Service: 800-222-4357
Alcoholics Anonymous: 410-600-5219
City Hall, 3rd St. and Baltimore Avenue: 410-289-8221/ 866-770-8221
Convention Center and Visitor Info, 40th St.: 410-289-2800
Convention Center Box Office: 410-289-8314
Recreation and Parks, 125th St.: 410-250-0125
Senior Citizens Activity Center: 410-289-0824
Ticketmaster: Toll Free: 800-551-SEAT
Greyhound Bus Service: 410-289-9307/ 800-231-2222
Humane Society: 410-213-0146
Hotel-Motel-Restaurant Assoc: 410-289-6733
Library, 100th St., bayside: 410-524-1818
Post Office on 4th St. and Philadelphia Avenue: 410-289-2940
Post Office on 71st St. and Coastal Highway: 410-524-7611
Post Office on Ocean Gateway inside Wockenfuss: 410-213-8880
Public Works Maintenance, 65th St.: 410-524-0391
OC Transportation Department: 410-723-1606