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Ocean City

Exciting Month of May at the OC Center for the Arts

Our May show devotes the entire Arts Center to the feminist cause and movement.

The show, curated by Deborah Rolig and assisted by Dee Gray, is a show by women, about women, and for women and everyone.  May will be an incredible month devoted to the Divine Feminine.
“The unifying theme, ‘Divine Feminine,’ revolving around the empowerment of women through honest expression, speaking from the heart,” said Curator Deb Rolig.

Schedule of Events:

Starting on Friday, May 5, from 5 – 9pm, we’ll have our monthly First Friday opening reception as well as a Women’s Marketplace, a gathering of artisans selling a variety or wares to the public, creating an open market feel.

The Artisan marketplace will continue on Saturday, May 6, from 10 – 3pm.

Join us on Sunday, May 7, at 10am, for a healing sound bath demonstration with Chrissy Ehrhart.

Register in advance for the “Divine Affirmations” collage workshop with Deborah Rolig and Dee Gray on Saturday, May 13, from 1 – 4:30pm. The focus will be on positive affirmations that strengthen and unite us as women. Bring scrapbook papers and ephemera to enhance and personalize your work of art. Register ahead online or at 410-524-9433.

On Monday, May 15, from 2 – 4pm we’ll have readings from “The Divine Feminine: An Anthology of Seaside Scribes” curated by Kathleen Martens. Join us to celebrate the literary arts, as local women authors perform readings from their works of fiction and poetry. You’ll be captivated by the diversity of these talented coastal writers.

Dr. Judy Pierson will be at the Arts Center on Tuesday, May 16, from 6 – 8pm giving a lecture on “Stepping into the Embrace of the Great Mother: Learning to Love Yourself and to Let Yourself Be Loved.”

Join Karen Barwick, LPCMH, on Tuesday, May 23, from 6 – 8pm for a lecture on “Daring To Say Yes!” She will guide us in a collaborative conversation that explores components required for living with your whole heart.

Last but not least, on Saturday, May 27, from 10am – 4pm, there will be a “Defining Your Truth” journaling workshop with Deborah Rolig and Dee Gray. Discover ways to express your thoughts and emotions. No art experience necessary! Includes 48-page journal and most materials. Bring personal photos, papers, quotes, etc. Register ahead online or at 410-524-9433.

The Divine Feminine show opens First Friday, May 5, from 5 – 9pm and continues through May 27.

All this and more during the month of May! Free Family Art Day, Art & Soul Healing Series, Outdoor performances by Brown Box Theatre, and also an  woodburning class. Visit www.artleagueofoceancity.org for a full list of upcoming classes and events.

Art League of Ocean City
Art League of Ocean Cityhttps://artleagueofoceancity.org/
Art League of Ocean City located at 502 94th Street bayside in Ocean City, Maryland

Follow Oceancity.com


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