49.3 F
Ocean City

Beach Bus, Tram & Transportation Options in Ocean City

Walking, Biking, Bus,
Tram, Driving, Airports

While enjoying your stay in Ocean City, Maryland it is crucial that you take advantage of all forms of transportation the town has to offer. Whether you don’t feel like fighting for a parking spot at the beach, are tired of walking the boardwalk, or you need a ride home from a night out, Ocean City has fantastic transportation to safely and conveniently get you to your destination.

Click here to see an actual bus locator

Ocean City Beach Bus
$4 for an all-day unlimited pass!

“Avoid the fuss and take the bus” is an old adage in Ocean City, and still some of the best advice you can adhere to on vacation.

The Ocean City Beach Bus, which runs routinely from the Inlet to the Delaware state line only, costs $4 for an all day, unlimited pass (exact change required). The full bus schedule is below, but in season the Ocean City Beach Bus runs 24/7 with stops located just about every other block. All buses are equipped with wheelchair lifts and anyone ADA eligible may call Transportation for at home pick-ups. If you have any questions regarding the Ocean City Beach Bus, please call the Transportation Department at 410-723-1606  Find a Bus! Download the TransLoc Rider App for iPhone or Android, or click here for the mobile web map, or Text your Bus Stop ID number to 414-11 when you’re at the bus stop.

Bus Schedule:

Spring Schedule Apr. 8 – May 23 2024:  6am – 2am Approx every 30 mins 2am – 6am  No Bus Service Summer Schedule May 24 – September 15 2024 6am – 3am Approx every 15 mins 3am – 6am No Bus Service Fall Schedule September 15 – October 17 2024 6am – 2am Approx every 30 mins 2am – 6am  No Bus Service Updated Bus Schedule can be found here.

Ocean City Boardwalk Tram

The Ocean City Boardwalk Tram will be suspended until further notice.

After a long day of strolling or shopping along the boards you may be tired of using your feet, luckily the Ocean City Boardwalk Tram is waiting at your convenience. One of the best ways to experience the Boardwalk, the Boardwalk Tram runs from the Inlet to 27th St., making routines stops to load and unload passengers, so you can get on or off anytime you would want. The Boardwalk Tram costs $5.00 per person, per boarding, per one way ride. Although the tram runs every day throughout the summer, it may not maintain its normal schedule during during inclement weather due to safety precautions. For further questions please contact Transportation at 410-723-1606. Special Events Boardwalk Tram Hours: Springfest: May 2-5 2024, OC Cruisin’ Weekend: May 16-19, Post Labor Day: September 3-8, Bikefest: September 11-15, Sunfest: Thursday, October 24-27 Summer Boardwalk Tram Hours: May 24 –  September 2 2024, 12pm -Midnight/Daily

Up to date times can be found here.


Parking in Ocean City has changed if you haven’t been here in awhile.  There are meters in more locations on most downtown streets.  There are lots scattered around where you can use a smart phone to download the ParkMobile App so you can pay.  You can also pay with a credit card or quarters in most locations.  Paid parking is in effect from 4/1 – 10/31.  There are no refunds for parking so make sure you pay the right amount up front.  Also, if you are paying in advance, please be generous with your estimate of time.  You DO NOT want a ticket.  They are expensive! Please do not park on any red curbs or in front of any driveways.  Park in the direction of the traffic and within a foot of the curb.

Enforcement Hours for Parking:

Municipal lots are 24 hours a day and parking on the street is enforced from 7 am to midnight.

ParkMobile App

The easiest way to park in Ocean City is with the App.  Get info here.  

  1. Download the App
  2. Register & add your car
  3. Enter your zone number (located on the kiosk closest to your car)
  4. Pay for the time you anticipate
  5. Receive text messages when you are about to expire – It’s easy to add more time/money.

ReTo do this, you will need to know your license plate number including all letters.  The Town of Ocean City does not give refunds for parking and you will get penalties if you don’t pay.  (There are cameras.). Therefore, please be sure the time is correct before pressing yes and committing to the charge.  You are responsible for entering your time on the machine and paying the right amount.

Pay by Plate

You can enter your plate number into the kiosks located near parking locations. The system will know when your parking is up. This is camera enforced at the inlet parking lot and by people elsewhere.

How to Use the Parking Kiosks:

  1. Enter your license plate number
  2. Insert coins or credit card and follow the directions.
  3. Press the green button to complete your transaction

Tickets & Fines

If you get a ticket, you can go here to pay or get more information.  Parking fine amounts by violation are here.

Fines vary by location, but for a violation of Street Parking & other Municipal Lot parking will result in a physical parking ticket ($50 fine) which can be voided if payment is made for actual time up to 1 hour and within 1 hour.

Did you get towed?

If you park in a restricted area, you WILL get towed.  If that happens, here is more information.  Please remember, you will need a valid driver’s license.  Registration and proof of insurance may be required and in some instances, you MUST be the registered owner to get your car. The Ocean City Inlet parking lot is great for day-trippers, those visiting the boardwalk and amusements, or those wanting to grab a bite to eat.  You can also get a half hour free, so it’s fun, particularly during the week, to bring your coffee and watch the fishermen or just watch the waves. After 30 minutes, the cost for the Please refer to Shore Transit public schedule for additional transportation options. FOR ADDITIONAL PARKING INFORMATION, PLEASE CALL 410-723-1606.

Read the Ocean City Transportation FAQ’s

Park Mobile App

Pay from your phone


Here's what you do

Boat Storage & Repair

Want to store your jet-ski or boat?

Inlet Parking Lot

809 S. Atlantic Ave, Ocean City, MD 21842

809 S. Atlantic Ave, Ocean City, MD 21842

1st Half Hour is FREE

The inlet parking lot  has 1200 parking spaces and 35 handicap spaces.  It is the best place to go to access the amusements, dining and shopping options on the boardwalk.  You pay by plate or with the Park Mobile App.  The first half hour is free. Rates for 2021:

April 1 – May 25, 2023

  • Monday – Thursday: FREE Parking
  • Friday – Sunday: $3.00/hour

May 26 – September 30, 2023

  • Daily Rate: $3.50/hour
  • July 4th, 2023: $5.00/hour

October 1 – October 31, 2023

  • Monday – Thursday: FREE Parking
  • Friday – Sunday: $3:00/hour

There is a 30-minute grace period for all vehicles, including handicapped. Patrons must pay for expired time prior to leaving the Inlet Lot to avoid being billed for additional administrative costs. Need help? Parking lot ambassadors are available at the booth located in the center of the inlet parking lot (Row E).

West Ocean City Park & Ride

12848 Ocean Gateway, Ocean City, MD 21842

12848 Ocean Gateway, Ocean City, MD 21842

Free Parking, Shuttles & a Great View

The West Ocean City Park & Ride is owned by the Town of Ocean City and offers free parking and a shuttle to downtown.  Several restaurants are nearby including the new Pier 27 which replaced MadFish.  

  • Shuttle service from the West Ocean City Park & Ride to the South Division Transit Center is FREE except during special events. Special event shuttle service from the West OC Park & Ride is $4 and includes a Ride-All-Day bus pass.
  • Please observe posted rules and regulations at the Park & Ride. Restrictions apply.
  • It shall be unlawful to park any commercial vehicle unless performing services for or on behalf of the Mayor and City Council.
  • It shall be unlawful to utilize any vehicle for sleeping quarters.
  • No Overnight Parking Allowed – Vehicles and trailers will be towed if parked between 3:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m.
  • Park in Designated Area Only

Other Municipal Lots & Street Parking

12848 Ocean Gateway, Ocean City, MD 21842

Rates & Locations

May 26 – September 30, 2023

  • Daily Rate of $3.00/hour

October 1 – October 31, 2023

  • Monday – Thursday: FREE Parking
  • Friday – Sunday: $2.00/hour

Handicapped Parking: No charge if stay is less than 1 hour, otherwise full rate. Handicapped vehicles must have handicapped plates or a visible placard. This does not apply to Inlet Lot parking.

Municipal Parking Lot Locations:

  • Worcester St., between Baltimore Ave. & Philadelphia Ave.
  • Somerset St. & Baltimore Ave.
  • Dorchester St. & Baltimore Ave.
  • N. Division St. & Baltimore Ave.
  • N. Division St. & St. Louis Ave. (small lot)
  • 4th St. & Baltimore Ave.
  • 61st St. & Coastal Hwy., (Bayside)
  • 64th Street – Boat Ramp Parking Lot (for boaters launching-hourly)

You will also see additional side street Parkeon pay station parking on selected streets, ocean side and bayside in the area between S. Division & 10th Street, and again at 99th St.

Trailer & Boat Parking Lots

Coming to Ocean City, MD for Bike Week or Cruisin’ and need a place to park your trailer or are you coming with your boat?  There are 2 lots at 100th Street bayside, where you can park your trailer or boat.  Weekly and daily rates are available and this location only accepts credit card payments.

  • 2 lots – Cars & Boats (this is a trailer approved lot)
  • Weekly & Daily parking paid at 100th Street does NOT apply to parking at the Inlet, on-street parking, or any other municipal lot.
  • Cars $10 per day / $40 per week
  • Trailer $10 per day/ $50 per week


The Ocean City Airport is just 3 miles away in West Ocean City, off of Rt. 611 on Airport Road, and has private planes arriving and departing daily, as well as a number of other options, including car rentals, plane rides, skydiving instructions, and taxi services.  The Ocean City Airport runs 7 days a week, year round. There is also the Salisbury/Ocean City/Regional Airport, which is located about 30 minutes from town just east of Salisbury off of Rt. 50 and offers US Airways flights to Philadelphia and Charlotte regularly. To make reservations for a flight please call 410-548-4827.

Frequently Asked Questions - Transportation



Ocean City, MD is approximately 3 hours by car from Washington, DC. <a
Spring: Every 15 min. 6 :00 a.m. – 10 p.m., and every 30 min. 10:00 p.m.- 6:00 a.m Summer: Every 10 min. 6 : 00 a.m. – 3:00 a.m, and every 20 min. 3 :00 a.m.- 6:00 a.m Fall: Approx. every 15 minutes 6 a.m.- 10 p.m., and approx. every 30 minutes 10 p.m. – 6 a.m.
Category: Transportation
Free parking is available on most streets, but can be hard to find during the summer. Find a full list of parking options here.
Category: Transportation
There are three options for parking your trailer in town without a permit. 1. The West Ocean City Park & Ride has limited free trailer parking available starting at noon on the Friday prior to the Cruisin’ OC, OC BikeFest and Endless Summer Cruisin’ events through noon on the Monday immediately following each event. However, no overnight parking is allowed – Vehicles and trailers will be towed if parked between 3:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. 2. The 100th Street gravel lot also has limited trailer parking for a daily fee that can be paid on site. 3. In addition, you may make arrangements with a private property owner to park on their lot. You may not park on any public street. nn
Trailers and oversized vehicles may not be parked on Baltimore Avenue at any time. Parking a trailer or oversized vehicle on any street or paved public lot without a permit is prohibited between May 1 and October 31. Permits are available to registered participants of Cruisin’ Ocean City, OC BikeFest, and Endless Summer Cruisin’ for a fee of $50 from the event organizer. There are three options for parking your trailer in town without a permit.
The cost to ride the Ocean City Beach Bus is only $4 for rides all day.  The bus runs from South Division Street Transit Station to and from the 144th Street Transit station and stops all along the way on both north bound and south bound Coastal Highway.
Category: Transportation
The best place to park is at your hotel.  Then, just take the Ocean City Beach Bus down Coastal Highway to the Inlet.  If you are driving into Ocean City for the day and don’t have a hotel where you can leave your car, we recommend parking at the West Ocean City Park & Ride and take the shuttle from there.  There is some metered street parking downtown, but it fills up fast.  You can also park at the Convention Center and take the bus.
Categories: Springfest, Transportation
Yes. The bus is normally free from the Park and Ride in West Ocean City, but during the big festival weekends, the Town charges $4 to ride all day. The schedule is here.
You can get from the West Ocean City Park and Ride into Ocean City on the West Ocean City Park-N-Ride Beach Bus. The schedule for this transportation is available here.
Category: Transportation
**The Boardwalk tram is suspended indefinitely** The Boardwalk Tram costs $5.00 per person, per boarding, per one way ride. Although the tram runs every day throughout the summer, it may not maintain its normal schedule during during inclement weather due to safety precautions. For further questions please contact Transportation at 410-723-1606. Summer Boardwalk Tram Hours: May 24 – September 2 2024, 12pm -Midnight/Daily Special Events Boardwalk Tram Hours: Springfest: May 2-5 2024, OC Cruisin’ Weekend: May 16-19, Post Labor Day: September 3-8, Bikefest: September 11-15, Sunfest: Thursday, October 24-27
Tags: Boardwalk, trams
Definitely the inlet lot.  Here is information from the Town of Ocean City on parking in the inlet lot. Your first 30 minutes are free, including handicapped! Patrons must pay for expired time prior to leaving the Inlet Lot to avoid being billed for additional administrative costs April 1 – May 23, 2024 Monday – Thursday: FREE Parking Friday – Sunday: $3.00/hour May 24 – September 30, 2024 Daily Rate: $3.50/hour July 4, 2024 – $5.00/hour October 1 – October 31, 2024 Monday – Thursday: FREE Parking Friday – Sunday: $3.00/hour


When parking at the Inlet Parking Lot in Ocean City, here’s what you need to know: Payment Options:
  • You can pay for your parking session when you arrive or before you leave the lot by paying for the amount of time you have stayed.
  • Use a nearby kiosk to enter your license plate details and pay for your desired parking duration. Make sure to enter your complete license plate, including numbers.
  • There’s a 30-minute grace period to start your parking session, including for handicapped spaces.
Receipt Display:
  • There’s no need to display the receipt on your dashboard after payment.
ParkMobile App:
  • Alternatively, you can use the ParkMobile App to pay for your parking at the Inlet Parking Lot.
Violation Fees:
  • Violations of parking regulations at the Inlet Lot will result in a mailed bill for the time spent in the lot, plus a $25 administrative fee.
  • If the violation fee is not paid within 30 days, it will escalate to $50.
Payment Before Leaving:
  • To avoid additional administrative costs, make sure to pay for any expired time before leaving the Inlet Lot.
  • Parking lot ambassadors are available at the booth located in the center of Row E in the Inlet Parking Lot.
  • For technical support and guidance on using the parking machines, you can call the number displayed on the front of the machine.
Following these guidelines ensures a smooth parking experience at the Inlet Parking Lot in Ocean City, Maryland.


    • Yes you can. There is a shuttle between Salisbury to OC. Dropoff at the park n ride and transfer free to the OC station.

  1. I took a boardwalk tram from 24th to 6th. Going back not one tram ever passed. 5 went the other way but not one went by while I walked all the way from 6th back to 24th. I had a baby and an older man with me. Ridiculous.


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