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Ocean City

Great Beach Read – Set in Ocean City, Maryland

If you are like me, sitting on the beach reading with breaks for swimming and napping is the perfect way to spend at least one of your vacation days.  And if you devour novels set in a place you know and love, then the newly released “Marlin Week” is the great beach read of the summer for Ocean City lovers.

Set during the White Marlin Open, this 300 page book is a great beach read!

“It’s the first full week of August in the small beach town of Ocean City, Maryland. And that can only mean one thing. It’s Marlin Week! Any given year, up to 500 boats register for The White Marlin Open, the world’s largest and richest billfish tournament—and its popularity is only gaining speed. With a cumulative $10.8 million worth of prize winnings, it’s no wonder people flock to the white marlin capital of the world for this incredible sight!”

Marlin Fest is set during the White Marlin Open in Ocean City, Maryland.  It follows “captains TJ, Finn and Rob as they catch some monster billfish, ride waves of emotions in their personal lives and try to reel in some major prize money.”

Written by Katie Ruskey, a teacher in the Baltimore area.  Katie’s passion is writing and she took two years to write the book after taking notes on ideas and characters long before that.  Katie published Marlin Week independently in late July.  The book is only 300 pages and costs only $22.  It’s available on Amazon.

Katie Ruskey writes from her home in the Baltimore area and from Ocean City.

Katie loves to run, boat and walk her yellow lab, Cooper.  For more information on the author, check out her site. You will also find her children’s books here, including the AB Seas of Ocean City, Maryland.



Ann has been with StateVentures since 1999. She moved from Annapolis to Berlin, MD to be closer to Ocean City. She splits her work week between the two locations to help clients and visitors get the best information and value out of our sites. She loves a camera and any excuse to use it.  Her kids are both grown and off adventuring.  Ann loves to travel with her kids and lives with her dog Marley when she's not in Virginia fishing.

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