39.2 F
Ocean City

Great Webcams to watch the OC Air Show without Being in Ocean City

If you don’t feel like braving the crowds for the Ocean City Air Show scheduled for this weekend, but you still want to watch the Italian Air Force Frecce Tricolori and the US Air Force F-22 Raptor team and the rest of the amazing line-up of antique, acrobatic, and military air craft, then check out these webcams that look at the sky above the beach.  

The main focus of the Air Show will be over the ocean where the tents are set up between 13th and 17th Streets, but your views from the Boardwalk or beach anywhere from 6th to 26th Streets will be great.  Lots of people like to watch from West Ocean City too.  Try the Shrimp Boat for a good view and a great meal at the same time!

The Hyatt Place Boardwalk Webcam Looking North (from 16th)

Right in the middle of the Air Show ground zero, the Hyatt Place is a great hotel to stay in during the Air Show and all the rest of the year, too, but it’s a great place to set up on the beach or watch this webcam if you aren’t able to get here. 

The Hyatt Place Air Show Cam


This camera has a straight on view of the ocean where all the planes will pass throughout the Ocean City Air Show.  Watch for planes, Friday, Saturday and Sunday as the teams practice and then perform in Ocean City, Maryland.

The Monte Carlo Boardwalk

While the color on this camera is a little off, you will still get a great view of the skies above the beach starting at 11th Street and looking south towards the inlet.  

The Ocean City Inlet from Trimper Rides

You’ll get a good view of the planes as they fly past the pier in Ocean City from this webcam located in Trimper Rides.  You will also get a good feel for the parking at the inlet lot.  

Grand Hotel on the Beach at 21st Street 


Here is a view of the skies above 21st Street from the Grand Hotel Ocean City.  It won’t be the center of activity, but you will certainly see the planes as they go by…




Ann has been with StateVentures since 1999. She moved from Annapolis to Berlin, MD to be closer to Ocean City. She splits her work week between the two locations to help clients and visitors get the best information and value out of our sites. She loves a camera and any excuse to use it.ย  Her kids are both grown and off adventuring.ย  Ann loves to travel with her kids and lives with her dog Marley when she's not in Virginia fishing.

Follow Oceancity.com


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