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Have You Seen The Photographers of Ocean’s Calling 2024

Have you seen them around the beach? They’re the people usually dressed in black toting around large cameras and backpacks full of lenses, plastic sleeves for rain (we’ve had some) and phone chargers. They’re the photographers of Ocean’s Calling!

Cool, Calm, and Cameras!

Photographers work hard at Ocean's Calling to capture that perfect moment!
Photographers work hard at Ocean’s Calling to capture that perfect moment!

They seem to have it all! The cool job, access to the stage, and a cool nonchalant attitude that goes with the job. And it’s true they are a cool group of people. Let’s learn a little about their job and what it takes to be a concert photographer.

Weeks in advance, concert photographers begin reaching out to Ocean’s Calling and public relations contacts for musical artists of Ocean’s Calling asking for permission to “shoot” the concert or musician. Heavy background checks and lengthy examinations of portfolios, Instagram pages, Facebook posts, and websites are considered when choosing who gets to document these incredible performers. And only top of the line photographers are chosen. Once a photographer receives and approval email the real work begins. 

Prep Work For Ocean’s Calling

Photographers work hard at Ocean's Calling to capture that perfect moment!
More work to be done after the show- editing and posting!

Photographers often study previous shows of artists to learn their cadence, moves, where they might stand or a “special something” they may do on stage. Having previous knowledge of an artist gives them an advantage for location and best shot angles. 

Meeting Point: Stage Left or Stage Right

Photographers work hard at Ocean's Calling to capture that perfect moment!
Photographers at Ocean’s Calling squeeze by each other in the small pit area.

Photographers have a meeting point, either stage left or right, depending on the venue. At the meeting point several photographers assemble waiting for their “escort” to take them to the front of the stage. The rule of thumb is that photographers get to shoot the first three songs then they must leave the front of the stage. 

Hours of editing commence after the show to come up with those perfect shots that you see in magazines, online, and news media outlets. 

A Quality Team of Photographers: The Best of the Best

Oceans Calling 2024, The photographers of Oceans Calling are no strangers to shooting A list acts!
The photographers of Oceans Calling are no strangers to shooting A list acts!

This year’s photographers are no strangers to big time acts. This year’s photographers have shot bands such as Aerosmith, Taylor Swift, The Cure, and Marshmello just to name a few. You can see their incredible shots throughout various media outlets including @eatmorebemore, @buckshotmedia, @greco, @mike_amodei, www.shutterup-listen.com, and https://www.bryankremkauphotography.com/.

Katie Ruskey
Katie Ruskeyhttp://kruskeyauthor.com
Katie Ruskey is a local author, splitting her time between Baltimore and Ocean City. Her debut fiction novel, Marlin Week, was released in August 2022 based on three captains that fish in the infamous White Marlin Open. Her first children's book, The A B Seas of Ocean City, Maryland takes young readers on a tour of OC. For more information on how to purchase her books, visit her website www.kruskeyauthor.com or follow her on IG/FB at Katherine Ruskey Author.

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