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How to be a Valentine’s Day Hero from The Hardcore Foodie

Ok guys, everyone knows that Valentine’s Day is for the ladies and that it can become an expensive proposition (no pun intended).  With that in mind, here are some basic ideas that take the focus away from “how much you spend” and back onto your significant other where it belongs in the first place.  First of all, call your wife and tell her you have dinner covered then Get A Card!  It does not matter whether it is romantic or funny; whichever fits your personality is fine, just remember to write something heartfelt and specific. Next pick-up a nice spring mixed flower arrangement.  It does not need to be roses and anyway everyone knows that florists jack-up the price on those just for any saps who think a dozen will get them some.  You can even get some nice arrangements at the grocery store now for around $10 per bunch.  Now, while you are in the grocery store pick up a pint of raspberries or strawberries, you will see the need for them very soon.  After that go to the wine and liquor store and buy a bottle of Italian Prosecco, an inexpensive sparkling wine, and a couple of miniatures of Chambord, a raspberry liquor.  Finally, order your wife’s favorite takeout (Italian, Chinese you make the call just not pizza!)  Now go home and put the flowers in a nice vase, set the table with the good silver and china and place the card at her setting.  Get your Champagne flutes (regular wine glasses will do in a pinch) and muddle a few of the raspberries in the bottom of each glass.  Add half a miniature of the Chambord into each glass and then fill with the Prosecco when you are ready to drink.  Also remember to put the takeout food on your good china, Do Not Eat Out Of The Box!  The rest of the evening is up to you, maybe rent that chick flick she has been dying to see and watch it with her (I know it’s tough but you can cowboy up and do it). You have just made a Valentine’s Day memory for her that cost you less than $100, kept you out of a restaurant on the what is known in the business as “Amateur Night”, and will show her how much you care.  Not too shabby if you ask me.

Hardcore Foodie
Hardcore Foodiehttps://www.oceancity.com
The Hardcore Foodie has been in and around the restaurant business for over 40 years. Starting out as a busboy during his teen years he attended Johnson and Wales and graduated with a degree in Hospitality/Hotel/Restaurant Management. Following graduation he worked for Sheraton, Hilton and Marriott properties on the east coast. Later in his career he managed well known, high end, freestanding Italian and French restaurants in Washington DC, Atlanta Ga., Scottsdale Az. and San Diego Ca. Upon returning to DC he worked for Marriott Food Services as GM of both the House of Representatives and Senate Capitol Building operations for 5 years. The Hardcore Foodie has lived in Ocean City, Md. for 12 years but still keeps active in the food industry through consulting, writing and constant research.

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