49.3 F
Ocean City

Ocean City, MD Information Guide

Ocean City General Information

Looking for a phone number, where to park, details about the bus, town ordinances, or other general information about Ocean City? 

Oceancity.com has all the general information you could want about Ocean City to help ensure you the most convenient, best possible vacation experience.

Don’t see the information you’re looking for?  Contact us at support@oceancity.com and we’ll be sure to add it to our site.


  1. Do you still print and mail out the Experience Ocean City Vacation Planner book? If so, I would be interested in acquiring one

  2. Hello:
    I am looking to come to Ocean City in late June to August. I would be interested to any or all brochures and or magazines you could send me to pick out a place on the middle to lower end of the boardwalk to stay for a week, as well as the dining establishments in the area even if I would have to drive a 100 blocks. Also if you can places to go and things to see, while there. I have a particular interest in some seafood buffets, as I am sad to see Phillips Seafood’s closed. We ate many breakfasts there as well always going once a stay to their buffet. I will really miss that place as will the wife.
    Thank you in advance
    Don Xander

  3. I am looking to come into Ocean City by sailboat in the next two weeks (date unknown). I want to find a marina that will take a 36 foot sailboat with a 5’5″ draft and has diesel fuel.


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