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They have what you need at Island Watersports Fenwick Island

Mike Ferrari bought what would become Island Watersports Fenwick Island location in 2016 after having run the rental side of the business for a few years. His goal was to expand what had been a rental business into a full-fledged marina. People were used to thinking of Island Watersports as a rental place. It was popular for summer people to spend the day out on the water. What was missing though was the opportunity for people to have the boat they owned it serviced and for other people to buy boats.

So Ferrari put together a staff and set about constructing a business that included boat rental experts, but also focused on sales and service. For the most part, there isn’t too significant a difference, because a good rental company constantly is buying new, top of the line equipment to ensure its customers are renting some of the best equipment available.

This year’s boat inventory includes an exclusive license to sell Berkshire Pontoons and Scarab Jet Skis in Ocean City and Delaware.

Mike Ferrari bought what would become Island Watersports Fenwick Island location in 2016 after having run the rental side of the business for a few years. His goal was to expand what had been a rental business into a full-fledged marina.

Island Watersports boat rentals and marina

Colleen Voigt had worked at a few rental places over the last four years. But the Frederick resident moved down for time a few years ago and came on at Island Watersports.  Turning over inventory is just a small part of running a boat rental and marina business. After all, they rent thousands of hours of watersport equipment from jet skis and pontoon boats, to stand up paddleboards, kayaks, etc. If you can use it to have fun on the water you can rent or buy it at Island Watersports.

Another critical part is providing the ancillary services. She said Island Watersports stores boats and jet skis for the winter, which is expected on some level, but also for the summer. It’s one of those solutions to problems you never knew you had. If your summer place changes from year to year or you live a little farther inland, there’s an alternative to having to schlep your jets skis all over to launch and ride them. It also acts as an incentive for people who are on the fence about buying a jet ski in Ocean City for logistical reasons. 

jet ski repair in Ocean City
Jeff Bentz finishes up a jet ski repair at the Island Watersports Service Center.

Getting your jet ski serviced in Ocean City

Jeff Bentz came on as one of the jet drive mechanics to help build the service business. He’s been working on watercraft for more than a decade and between keeping up the rentals and servicing customers crafts he keeps busy all summer.  Part of the responsibility of running a functioning marina, as opposed to just a rental place, is being able to provide sales and service of watercraft of all sorts. Bentz is the jet drive specialist, for example, but other people specialize in, say, outboard motor repair. 

Additionally, Island Watersports has a fully stocked DIY repair and maintenance section as part of their service department. They can provide or get their hands on most pieces you need to keep your watercraft looking and running great. 

jet ski rentals ocean city
The new line of Scarab jet skis at Island Watersports.


Nick's MIni Golf and Ropes Course, Ocean City, MD
Tony Russo
Tony Russohttp://Ossurynot.com
Tony Russo has worked as a print and digital journalist for the better part of the 21st century, writing for and editing regional weeklies and dailies before joining the team that produces OceanCity.com and ShoreCraftBeer.com among other destination websites. In addition to having documented everything from zoning changes to art movements on the Delmarva Peninsula, Tony has written two books on beer for the History Press. Eastern Shore Beer was published in 2014 and Delaware Beer in 2016. He lives in Delmar, Md. with his wife Kelly and the only of his four daughters who hasn't moved out. Together they keep their two dogs comfortable.

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