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Kuhn hopes sharing story will ease others’ pain

(Feb. 15, 2013) Author Carolyn Outlaw Kuhn hopes she can help victims of abuse with her book, Suffering in Silence.

“In the beginning of the book, you see that an abuse occurred,” Kuhn said. “It has a huge impact on you and who you are as an adult. Even though it may not be in your thoughts, it can still lead to making poor decisions. It does impact who you are.”

Kuhn had just turned 13 when she was sexually abused by her stepfather. Keep in mind, she said, that this was in the 1960s, before many people had even heard the word “pedophile.” Her sister was abused by their biological father when she was 16.

As an adult, Kuhn’s second husband was physically abusive and she said she feared for her life.

According to Kuhn’s publishing company, Outskirts Press, the 100-page book is a “true story of a dysfunctional family’s painful journey in dealing with alcoholism, a family rape, a secretive incarceration, abandonment and abuse. Truly an inspirational book dealing with forgiveness, healing and inner peace.”

A portion of the proceeds of book sales will be donated to SOAR, Survivors of Abuse in Recovery, in memory of Kuhn’s sister, Helen Ann Moore, who died in 1984.

“My sister would have supported this book 100 percent,” Kuhn said. “It was therapeutic for me and I wanted to be able give back to the community.”

SOAR is a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing mental health services to those affected by sexual abuse, regardless of their ability to pay.

The organization offers counseling, referral and education services to adult, adolescent and child survivors of sexual abuse and assault, their non-offending partners, and non-offending family members. SOAR also provides outreach programs to community organizations and businesses.

More than 1,000 adults, adolescents, children, and their families residing in Delaware and the surrounding counties in Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Maryland utilize SOAR’s services annually, according to survivorsofabuse.org.

“One in three girls, by the time they’re 18, has suffered some form of sexual abuse,” Kuhn said. “Unfortunately for my sister, she was unable to get help. I was able to get help.”

Kuhn said she thought about writing the book for a number of years. It was her daughter who finally encouraged her to do it. The process took about a year and a half, but Kuhn said once she started writing, the words “just flowed.”

The Selbyville, Del. resident said her first book is not a strict autobiography, but similar to a memoir.

“It’s a very inspirational book,” she said. “My goal has always been to reach out and help others.”

Kuhn will sign copies of her book today, Friday, at High Stakes restaurant, on Route 54 in Fenwick Island, from 4-7 p.m. Books cost $10 and will be available for purchase.

“I’ve gotten a lot of positive comments,” Kuhn said. “People who have read it say they can’t put it down.”

Suffering in Silence can also be found online at Amazon.com, Barnesandnoble.com or www.outskirtspress.com/sufferinginsilence. E-book and Kindle downloads are also available.

For more information about the book or upcoming signing events, contact Kuhn at ckuhn913@yahoo.com.

Carolyn Outlaw Kuhn
Lisa Capitelli, Ocean City Today
Lisa Capitelli, Ocean City Today
Managing Editor Lisa Capitelli, a New York native, entered Salisbury University (then Salisbury State) in the fall of 1998 and graduated in the spring of 2002 with a Bachelors of Arts degree. She majored in communication arts, and minored in art, with concentration on photography. Lisa began her career at Ocean City Today as a staff writer in February 2003. She was promoted to Assistant Editor in August 2011 and Managing Editor in May, 2013. Editorial responsibilities include covering sports — from local high school games, to fishing tournaments and recreation and park programs, the business community and weekly happenings, events and activities.

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