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Maryland National Guard to conduct “Operation Tourist Boom” exercise in Ocean City

Baltimore, MD – (October 26, 2018):  The Maryland National Guard will be conducting a routine training exercise on Saturday, November 3 in conjunction with the Town of Ocean City and its local first responders. Operation Tourist Boom, mandated by Gov. Larry Hogan, will take place in the Inlet parking lot and will feature exercises including a simulated bomb detonation and active shooter drill. 

The National Guard, in an effort to validate its response plans, sought the support of Ocean City to conduct this exercise over a year ago.  Recognizing the value of testing local response, Ocean Emergency Management engaged and added additional responders to the scenario to ensure realism.  As planning continued, additional federal agencies were brought in that would normally have response requirements in the plan.

These types of events are done on a predictable basis to help the National Guard synchronize with first responders from all levels of government.

The exercise occurs during the Guard’s regular drill weekend, focused on decision-making, coordination and integration with allied agencies in a realistic training venue.  Members of the public are welcome and encouraged to come out and see their community working together.  The exercise will have over 1,000 National Guard, local, state and federal first responders. 

โ€œIt is critical for our teams to understand they don’t work alone,โ€ said Maj. Gen. Linda Singh, the adjutant general of Maryland. โ€œWe rely on all partners from all levels of state and federal government.  This exercise is a good example of what happens when local planners work together to focus their efforts on keeping our citizens safe.”

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