19.4 F
Ocean City

Out & About: June 5-11, 2015

photo by ocsharktournament.com

FRI. June 5

GEM, MINERAL AND JEWELRY SHOW โ€” Ocean City convention center, 4001 Coastal Highway,ย noon to 6 p.m.ย Sterling silver and 14K, classic, contemporary and handmade jewelry, custom faceted gem stones, carved stones, mineral specimens, fossils, crystals, lapidary supplies and beads of all types. Admission costs are $5 for adults and free to children 16 and younger and military with ID. Info:www.treasuresoftheearth.com,ย jane@treasuresoftheearth.comย orย 804-642-2011.

19TH ANNUAL MAKO MANIA TOURNAMENT โ€” Bahia Marina, 2107 Herring Way, Ocean City. Daily weigh-ins fromย 4-7:00 pm. Info:ย 410-289-7438,ย fish@bahiamarina.comย orย www.bahiamarina.com.

LONGBOARD TEAM CHALLENGE โ€” Ocean City beach between 36th and 38th streets (Castle in the Sand). Sixteen teams of five compete on longboards. Give-aways and kidsโ€™ activities on the beach. Info: 800-OC-OCEAN.

โ€˜PLAY IT SAFEโ€™ TENNIS โ€” OC Tennis Center, 61st Street, bayside. Sign ups atย 1 p.m.ย Free, alcohol- and drug-free event for 2015 high school graduates I.D. may be required at registration. Info: Al โ€œHondoโ€ Handy,ย 410-250-0125.

KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS BINGO โ€” Columbus Hall, 9901 Coastal Highway (behind St. Lukeโ€™s Church), Ocean City. Doors open atย 5 p.m.ย and games begin atย 6:30 p.m.ย Refreshments for sale. Info: 410-524-7994.

BERLIN HEALTH FAIR โ€” Berlin Visitorโ€™s Center, 14 S. Main St., Berlin,ย 3-7 p.m.ย Free information and screenings including bood pressure, carotid, bone density, womenโ€™s health and diabetes. Also Integrative Health providers including massage, reflexology, essential oils, gluten free eating, acupuncture and more, held at the Worcester Youth & Family Counseling Center, 124 N. Main St., Berlin. High Heel race atย 5:30 p.m.

โ€˜ANNIEโ€™ PERFORMANCE AND DINNER โ€” Ocean Pines Yacht Club, Ballroom, 1 Mumfordโ€™s Landing Road. Buffet and dinner and dessert begins atย 5:30 p.m., performance atย 7 p.m.ย Featuring the Pointe Dance Theatre. Open to the public. Tickets cost $30 for adults and $20 for children 11 and younger. Tickets: Shelly Olafsson, 209-277-0001.

COMMUNITY HEALTH FAIR AND HIGH HEEL RACE โ€” Berlin Information Center, 14 S. Main St.,ย 3-7 p.m.ย Opportunity for the public to receive free information and screenings including blood pressure, carotid, bone density, womenโ€™s health, diabetes and more. Also, integrative health providers available at the Worcester County Youth and Family Counseling Services, 124 N. Main St., Berlin. Topics include massage, gluten free eating, acupuncture and reflexology. The High Heel Race, benefiting Women Supporting Women, will begin atย 5:30. Register: WomenSupportingWomen.org, 410-213-1177 or 410-548-7880. Info: 410-641-9268 orย ddenton@atlanticgeneral.org.

SAT. June 6

GEM, MINERAL AND JEWELRY SHOW โ€” Ocean City convention center, 4001 Coastal Highway,ย 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.ย Sterling silver and 14K, classic, contemporary and handmade jewelry, custom faceted gem stones, carved stones, mineral specimens, fossils, crystals, lapidary supplies and beads of all types. Admission costs are $5 for adults and free to children 16 and younger and military with ID. Info:www.treasuresoftheearth.com,ย jane@treasuresoftheearth.comย orย 804-642-2011.

19TH ANNUAL MAKO MANIA TOURNAMENT โ€” Bahia Marina, 2107 Herring Way, Ocean City. Daily weigh-ins fromย 4-7:00 pm. Info:ย 410-289-7438,ย fish@bahiamarina.comย orย www.bahiamarina.com.

LONGBOARD TEAM CHALLENGE โ€” Ocean City beach between 36th and 38th streets (Castle in the Sand). Sixteen teams of five compete on longboards. Give-aways and kidsโ€™ activities on the beach. Info: 800-OC-OCEAN.

COMMUNITY YARD SALE โ€” The Parke at Ocean Pines,ย 7 a.m. to noon. Clothes, lamps, artwork, household items, electronics, furniture and more. Maps will be available at the main entrance fo the Parke located at Central Parke West and Chatham, streets off of Ocean Parkway at the south gate of Ocean Pines. Info:ย 410-208-4994.

BINGO โ€” Ocean Pines Community Center, Assateague Room, 235 Ocean Parkway. Doors open atย 6 p.m., games begin atย 6:30 p.m.ย Cash, prizes, food and 50/50 raffles. Bingo package cost is $25. Proceeds benefit Worcester County G.O.L.D. Tickets purchased at the door or by calling Mary Burgess, 443-880-3740.

OUTDOOR FLEA MARKET โ€” Bethany United Methodist Church, 8648 Stephen Decatur Highway, Berlin,ย 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.ย Breakfast, lunch, soups and baked goods. Table rental: 410-629-0926.

FIRSTย SATURDAYย COMMUNITY YARD SALE โ€” Montego Bay Residential Community,ย 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.ย Turn bayside at 130th Street, Ocean City. Look for bargains at some of the 1,523 homes. Info: 410-250-3080.

โ€˜ANNIEโ€™ PERFORMANCE โ€” Most Blessed Sacrament Catholic School, 11242 Racetrack Road in Ocean Pines,ย 7 p.m.ย Featuring the Pointe Dance Theatre. Tickets cost $10 for adults and $8 for children 11 and younger. Tickets: Shelly Olafsson, 209-277-0001.

GOSPEL DAY JAMBOREE โ€” Furnace Town, 3816 Old Furnace Road, Snow Hill,ย 1 p.m.ย Featuring uplifting gospel from Godโ€™s Country Crossroads, Brittany Lewis and Triple Praise. Also, Furnace Town artisans will be on site and The Paul Leifer Nature Trail is open. Light refreshments available. Take your lawn chairs. Cost is $7 for adults, $6 for seniors, $4 for children and free to Furnace Town members.

CORNHOLE BENEFIT โ€” Millville Fire Hall, 35554 Atlantic Ave., Millville, Del. Registration atย 11 a.m., opening ceremonies atย 11:45 a.m., play atย noon. The 6th annual Beta Sigma Phi Cornhole Tournament will benefit the Russell White Scholarship Foundation. Cost is $50 per team, which includes a T-shirt for each player. Pre-register: Sarah, 302-363-7311. Cash prizes, door prizes, a silent auction, 50/50 drawing and refreshments sold by Charlie Kโ€™s BBQ with BYOB.

MEMORIAL SERVICE FOR ALBERT BERGER โ€” Ocean City convention center, 4001 Coastal Highway,ย 10 a.m.ย Mr. Berger was the Most Senior Lion in the Ocean City Lions Club.

PANCAKE BREAKFAST โ€” Ocean City Municipal Airport, Terminal Building,ย 9 a.m. to noon, throughย April 25. Serving pancakes, eggs, bacon, sausage, etc., and coffee. Suggested donation is $7. Proceeds support the Huey Veteranโ€™s Memorial Display. Info: Airport Ops, 410-213-2471 or Coleman Bunting, 410-726-7207.

PANCAKE BREAKFAST โ€” VFW, Post 8296, 104 66th St., bayside in Ocean City,ย 8-11 a.m.ย A $5 donation for all-you-can-eat pancakes or 2-2-2, two eggs, two pancakes and two bacon slices. Info: 410-524-8196.

FARMERS MARKET โ€” White Horse Park, 239 Ocean Parkway, Ocean Pines,ย 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.ย Locally grown vegetables and fruits, eggs, honey, kettle korn, flowers, artisan breads, seafood, meats and more. New vendors welcome. Info: 410-641-7717, Ext. 3006.

HABITAT FOR HUMANITY WAREHOUSE OPEN โ€” Habitat for Humanity of Worcester County Warehouse, 7033 Worcester Highway, Newark,8 a.m. to noon. Currently accepting donations in the form of gently used furniture, appliances and building supplies. Info: 410-208-4440.

SUN. June 7

GEM, MINERAL AND JEWELRY SHOW โ€” Ocean City convention center, 4001 Coastal Highway,ย 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.ย Sterling silver and 14K, classic, contemporary and handmade jewelry, custom faceted gem stones, carved stones, mineral specimens, fossils, crystals, lapidary supplies and beads of all types. Admission costs are $5 for adults and free to children 16 and younger and military with ID. Info:www.treasuresoftheearth.com,ย jane@treasuresoftheearth.comย orย 804-642-2011.

19TH ANNUAL MAKO MANIA TOURNAMENT โ€” Bahia Marina, 2107 Herring Way, Ocean City. Daily weigh-ins fromย 4-7:00 pm. Info:ย 410-289-7438,ย fish@bahiamarina.comย orย www.bahiamarina.com.

LONGBOARD TEAM CHALLENGE โ€” Ocean City beach between 36th and 38th streets (Castle in the Sand). Sixteen teams of five compete on longboards. Give-aways and kidsโ€™ activities on the beach. Info: 800-OC-OCEAN.

OC BEACH LIGHTS โ€” Ocean City beach at N. Division Street,ย 9:30 p.m.,ย 10 p.m. and 10:30 p.m.ย A five-story tall inflatable sphere featuring a visual laser, lighting, special effects, video and audio production. Each 8-minute show also features fireworks effects. Free event. Info:ย 800-626-2326ย orย www.ocbeachlights.com.

โ€˜PLAY IT SAFEโ€™ karaoke โ€” Ocean City beach at Third Street,ย 6-8 p.m.ย Free, alcohol- and drug-free event for 2015 high school graduates. I.D. may be required at registration. Info: Al โ€œHondoโ€ Handy,ย 410-250-0125.

Overeaters Anonymous #169 โ€”ย  Atlantic General Hospital, Conference Room 1,ย  9733 Healthway Drive, Berlin,ย 2:30 – 3:30 p.m.ย Group is a 12-step program for anyone struggling with a compulsive eating problem. No initial meeting charge. Meeting contribution is $1 weekly. Info: Bett, 410-202-9078.

ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS โ€” Atlantic General Hospital, Conference Room 2, 9733 Healthway Drive, Berlin,ย noon to 1 p.m.ย Group shares experience, strength and hope to help others. Open to the community and to AGH patients. Info: Rob, 443-783-3529.

FRIED CHICKEN CARRYOUT โ€” Bishopville Volunteer Fire Department, 10709 Bishopville Road,ย 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.ย Cost is $7 for a half chicken or $11 for a full chicken. Bake table, sodas and rolls available. Advance orders: 443-235-2926.

โ€˜ANNIEโ€™ PERFORMANCE โ€” Most Blessed Sacrament Catholic School, 11242 Racetrack Road in Ocean Pines,ย 1 p.m.ย Featuring the Pointe Dance Theatre. Tickets cost $10 for adults and $8 for children 11 and younger. Tickets: Shelly Olafsson, 209-277-0001.
outdoor casual worship service โ€” Front lawn of Bethany United Methodist Church, 8648 Stephen Decatur Highway, Berlin,ย 8:30 a.m., Sundays, throughย Sept. 27. Take a lawn chair or blanket. Held indoors during inclement weather. Info: 410-641-2186 orย Bethany21811@gmail.com.

PANCAKE BREAKFAST โ€” Ocean City Municipal Airport, Terminal Building,ย 9 a.m. to noon, throughย April 26. Serving pancakes, eggs, bacon, sausage, etc., and coffee. Suggested donation is $7. Proceeds support the Huey Veteranโ€™s Memorial Display. Info: Airport Ops,ย 410-213-2471ย or Coleman Bunting,ย 410-726-7207.

SUNDAYย NIGHT SERENITY AL-ANON FAMILY GROUP MEETING โ€” Woodlands in Ocean Pines, Independent Living Apartment Building, 1135 Ocean Parkway, Ocean Pines,ย 7:30 p.m.

MON. June 8

TAKE OFF POUNDS SENSIBLY MEETING โ€” Berlin group No. 169, Atlantic General Hospital, conference room 1, 9733 Healthway Drive, Berlin,ย 5-6:30 p.m.ย TOPS is a support and educational group promoting weight loss and healthy lifestyle. It meets weekly. Info: Edna Berkey, 410-251-2083.

FRIENDS OF THE OCEAN PINES LIBRARY MEETING โ€” Ocean Pines library, 11107 Cathell Road. Refreshments available atย 9:30 a.m., speaker atย 10 a.m., followed by a brief business meeting. Speaker will be Tony Russo, author of โ€œEastern Shore Beer: The Heady History of Chesapeake Brewing.โ€ The public is welcome. Atย 11:30 a.m.ย there will be a planning meeting for the annual book sale. Info: 410-524-1818 orwww.worcesterlibrary.org.

HISTORIC MUSEUM OPEN โ€” Historic St. Martinโ€™s Church Museum, 11413 Worcester Highway, Showell, Mondays,ย 1-4 p.m., June through September. Info: 410-251-2849.

DELMARVA SWEET ADELINE CHORUS MEETS WEEKLY โ€” The Delmarva Chorus, Sweet Adelineโ€™s, meets eachย Mondayย fromย 7-9 p.m., at the Ocean Pines Community Center, 239 Ocean Parkway. Women interested in learning the craft of a cappella singing welcome. Info: 410-641-6876.

TUES. June 9

โ€˜PLAY IT SAFEโ€™ beach volleyball โ€” Ocean City beach at Third Street. Sign-ups atย 4:30 p.m., games atย 6 p.m.ย Free, alcohol- and drug-free event for 2015 high school graduates I.D. may be required at registration. Info: Al โ€œHondoโ€ Handy, 410-250-0125.

KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS CRAB NIGHT โ€” Columbus Hall, 9901 Coastal Highway (behind St. Lukeโ€™s Church), Ocean City, everyย Tuesday,ย 5-7 p.m.ย Steamed crabs and shrimp, crab soup, hot dogs, pizza, corn on the cob, and French fries. Reserve crabs and shrimp: 410-524-7994.

NAMI FAMILY SUPPORT GROUP โ€” Atlantic Health Center, 9714 Healthway Drive, Berlin, everyย Tuesday,ย 6:30-8 p.m.ย Support group for families helping other families who live with mental health challenges. Info: 443-229-2744 orย namimdls@gmail.com.

PARKINSONโ€™S SUPPORT GROUP โ€” Ocean Pines library, 11107 Cathell Road,ย 2:30-4 p.m.ย Helping individuals with Parkinsonโ€™s disease and their families. Discussion, speakers, exercise, medication updates and more. No reservation, no fee. Info:ย www.DelmarvaParkinsonsAlliance.orgor Ron and Mary Leidner, 410-208-0525.

STEPPING ON FALL PREVENTION WORKSHOP โ€” Pocomoke Senior Center, 400 Walnut St., #B, Pocomoke City,ย noon to 2 p.m.ย A well-researched falls prevention program for seniors. The workshop is free and meets for two hours a week for seven weeks,ย June 2-July 14. Info: 410-957-0391.

TAKE OFF POUNDS SENSIBLY MEETING – Berlin group 331, Worcester County Health Center, 9730 Healthway Drive, Berlin,ย 5:30-7 p.m.TOPS is a support and educational group promoting weight loss and healthy lifestyle. It meets weekly. Info:ย jeanduck47@gmail.com.

ON YOUR OWN, BUT NOT ALONE – WOC Fitness, 12319 Ocean Gateway, West Ocean City,ย 5 p.m.ย Weight loss support group with discussions about nutrition, exercise, health and weight loss. Cost is $5 per meeting. Info:ย dillon128@aol.com.

WED. June 10

movie on the beach โ€” Carousel Resort Hotel and Condominiums, 118th Street and oceanfront in Ocean City,ย 8:30 p.m.ย Free movie on the beach featuring โ€œBig Hero 6.โ€ Take a beach chair or blanket. Info: 800-626-2326.

โ€˜PLAY IT SAFEโ€™ 3-ON-3 BASKETBALL โ€” Northside Park, 200 125th St. in Ocean City. Sign-ups atย 6 p.m., games atย 7 p.m.ย Free, alcohol- and drug-free event for 2015 high school graduates. I.D. may be required at registration. Info: Al โ€œHondoโ€ Handy, 410-250-0125.

PTA PROSPECTIVE STUDENT MEETING โ€” Wor-Wic Community College, Room 109 of the Allied Health Building, Salisbury,ย 6-8 p.m.Students interested in the new physical therapist assistant (PTA) program are required to attend one of these meetings. Reserve a seat:sennis@worwic.eduย or 410-572-8740.

RETIRED NURSES OF OCEAN PINES PICNIC โ€” White Horse Park Pavilion, 239 Ocean Parkway, Ocean Pines,ย 5:30-8:30 p.m.ย Reservations required: Gale Alford, 410-208-1590 orย galebillalford@aol.com.

BINGO โ€” Every Wednesday at Ocean City Elks Lodge 2645, 138th Street and Sinepuxent Avenue, rear of the Fenwick Inn. Doors open atย 5:30 p.m., games startย 6:30 p.m.ย Food is available. Open to the public. No one allowed in the hall under 18 years of age during bingo. Info: 410-250-2645.

DELMARVA HAND DANCE CLUB โ€” Meets every Wednesday at Peakyโ€™s Rooftop Restaurant & Bar, located in the Fenwick Inn, 13801 Coastal Highway, Ocean City. Beginner and intermediate lessons,ย 5:30-6:30 p.m., followed by dancingย 6:30-9 p.m.ย Jitterbug, swing, cha-cha to the sounds of the โ€™50s, โ€™60s and Carolina beach music. All are welcome. Info: 302-200-DANCE (3262).

KIWANIS CLUB OF GREATER OCEAN PINES/OCEAN CITY โ€” Meets every Wednesday at the Ocean Pines Community Center, 235 Ocean Parkway. Doors open atย 7 a.m., meeting begins atย 8 a.m.ย Info: 410-641-7330.

BAYSIDE BEGINNINGS AL-ANON FAMILY GROUP MEETING โ€” Ocean Pines Community Center, 235 Ocean Parkway,ย 7:30 p.m.

OCEAN CITY/BERLIN ROTARY CLUB MEETING โ€” Captainโ€™s Table Restaurant in the Courtyard by Marriott, 2 15th St, Ocean City,ย 6 p.m.Info: 410-641-1700 orย kbates@taylorbank.com.

ON YOUR OWN, BUT NOT ALONE – WOC Fitness, 12319 Ocean Gateway, West Ocean City,ย noon. Weight loss support group with discussions about nutrition, exercise, health and weight loss. Cost is $5 per meeting. Info:ย dillon128@aol.com.

THURS. June 11

โ€˜PLAY IT SAFEโ€™ DODGEBALL โ€” Northside Park, 200 125th St. in Ocean City,ย 7-9 p.m.ย Free, alcohol- and drug-free event for 2015 high school graduates I.D. may be required at registration. Info: Al โ€œHondoโ€ Handy, 410-250-0125.

CELIAC SUPPORT GROUP โ€” Atlantic General Hospital, conference room 1, 9733 Healthway Drive, Berlin,ย 7-8 p.m.ย Support and information for those affected by Celiac Disease. Info: Betty Bellarin, 410-603-0210.

ANNUAL GARDEN TOUR AND LUNCHEON โ€” The tour of nine Ocean Pines gardens will be held fromย 9 a.m. to noon, rain or shine. Registration will begin atย 9 a.m.ย at the Ocean Pines Yacht Club, 1 Mumfordโ€™s Landing Road. Luncheon will be held at the yacht club atย 12:30 p.m.ย Featuring local artists as well as local garden vendors. Deadline for luncheon reservations is June 4. Tickets for tour only cost $10, for tour and luncheon, $30. Reservations: 301-385-0839.

OC AARP CHAPTER 1917 GENERAL MEETING โ€” Ocean City Senior Center, 41st Street, bayside,ย 9:30 a.m.ย Featured speakers will be Del. Carozza and Sen. Mathias. Information on upcoming trips and events. Info:ย www.AARP1917.org.

BEACH SINGLES โ€” Everyย Thursday, Beach Singles 45-Plus meets for happy hour at Clarion Resort Fontainebleau Hotel, 10100 Coastal Highway, Ocean City,ย 4-7 p.m.ย Info: Arlene, 302-436-9577; Kate, 410-524-0649.

BINGO โ€” American Legion Post 166, 2308 Philadelphia Ave., in Ocean City, everyย Thursday, year round. Doors open atย 5 p.m., games start at6:30 p.m.ย Food available. Open to the public. Info: 410-289-3166.

CHAIR AEROBICS โ€” St. Peterโ€™s Lutheran Church Community Life Center, 10301 Coastal Highway, Ocean City,ย 1-2 p.m.ย Free will offering appreciated. Sponsored by St. Peterโ€™s Senior Adult Ministry. Info: 410-524-7474.


BOOKS BY THE BAG SALE โ€” Ocean City library, 10003 Coastal Highway, during regular library hours through Labor Day. Gently used books for $5 a bag. Info: 410-524-1818.

โ€˜EVERESTโ€ฆCONQUERING CHALLENGES WITH GODโ€™S MIGHTY POWER!โ€™ โ€” St. Andrew Catholic Church, 14401 Sinepuxent Ave., Ocean City, 8:30-11:30 a.m., June 22-26. Participate in team building games, Bible songs, science experiments and tasty treats. Cost is $40 per child with a $65 maximum for a family. Register: 410-250-0300 and at St. Luke and St. Andrew.

100TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION DINNER โ€” Clarion Resort Fontainebleau Hotel, 10100 Coastal Highway in Ocean City, June 19, 6-9 p.m. Celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the formation of U.S. Coast Guard. Ocean City Mayor Rick Meehan will be the master of ceremonies and Master Chief Steven W. Cantrell, Chief Petty Officer of the Coast Guard will be the guest speaker. Cost is $42. Deadline is June 12. Info:sandy@ocmuseum.org. Hosted by the Ocean City Museum Society.

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