Must Read Books About Ocean City, Maryland That You Will Love!

Which book would you take to the beach?


Everyone loves a good beach book! And theyโ€™re even better when youโ€™re reading about a place youโ€™ve visited and a place close to your heart. Here are some highly recommended books about/ or that take place in Ocean City, Maryland!

Marlin Week, by Katherine Ruskey

The ultimate beach read! A fictional novel that follows three captains through the exciting week of the infamous White Marlin Open. 

Katherine Ruskey- Marlin Week

The A B Seas of Ocean City, by Katherine Ruskey

A colorful illustrated childrenโ€™s book highlighting Ocean Cityโ€™s famous sites listed A-Z.

Katherine Ruskey- The A B Seas of Ocean City, MD

Vanishing Ocean City, by Bunk Mann

A beautiful 220 page hardbound book showing off hundreds of historical photos of Ocean City and its most memorable moments from storms to fires, hotels and long ago buildings, this book gives readers a whole new perspective on OC.

Bunk Mann, Vanishing Ocean City

Ghosts in the Surf, by Bunk Mann

A 330 page hardbound coffee table book highlighting photos of older generations and their iconic places such as Shanty Town, The White Marlin Open, and Trimperโ€™s Rides.

Ocean City Chronicles, by Bunk Mann

The last book in a three volume series doting hundreds of photos from the time Ocean City was a small fishing village all the way up to current times of the wonderful beach resort destination is it today.

Pipโ€™s Guide to Ocean City, Volumes 1&2

A cute illustrated childrenโ€™s book that guides young readers through Ocean City and its many kid friendly places to see and things to do. 

Pip The Beach Cat

Saving Lives: A History of the Ocean City Beach Patrol, by Robert Craig

A history of the highly trained Ocean City Beach Patrol (OCBP) that works year after year to protect swimmers here on the Atlantic shore of Ocean City, Maryland.

Saving Lives by Robert Craig

Ocean City: Going Down the Ocean by Michael Morgan

A throwback history recollection of the first Assateague Island ponies, the birth of Stephen Decatur, and the visits from pirates such as Black Beard.

Going Down the Ocean, Michael Morgan


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