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Ocean City

Navigating the Route 50 Bridge in Ocean City, Maryland

The Route 50 Bridge, spanning the southern entrance of Ocean City, Maryland, is a vital and distinctive structure that facilitates both vehicular and marine traffic. This movable bridge, officially known as the Harry W. Kelley Memorial Bridge, serves as a crucial link between the mainland and the popular beach destination, and its operations are integral to both local transportation and maritime activities.

Open on :55 and :25 Schedule

timelapse of route 50 bridge white marlin open
The Route 50 Bridge allows passengers to cross from the mainland to Ocean City, MD at the south end.

During the peak tourist season, from May to October, the Route 50 Bridge opens on a regular schedule to accommodate marine traffic. Specifically, the bridge opens at 55 minutes past the hour and 25 minutes past the hour. This routine allows boats to pass through without significant delays. However, for those seeking to avoid getting caught in traffic when the bridge is up, it’s wise to plan around these times. On the rare occasion that boats need to pass under the bridge outside of these regular intervals, such as during special events, the schedule may be adjusted. Notably, during the White Marlin Open, a major fishing tournament, the bridgeโ€™s schedule can be altered to accommodate the influx of marine traffic. For instance, on the Wednesday of the White Marlin Open, the bridge tender delayed the 8:55 p.m. opening until 9:00 p.m. to allow the Moore Bills boat to reach the scales on time without having to open the bridge twice.

Will Call

Tara Ann – This beautiful sunset heading over the bridge from OCMD.

In the off-season, from late October to April, the bridge operates on a call-ahead basis. Boat operators must notify the bridge tender in advance to ensure their passage. This system allows the bridge tenders to manage traffic efficiently and ensures that the bridge remains functional with minimal disruption.

Monitoring and Operating

Megan Finnerty – “Sacramento, CA 3073” sign on the bridge.

The bridge is manned 24 hours a day during the busy season, with staff working 8-hour shifts. This staffing level increases to five bridge tenders to handle the high volume of traffic. In contrast, during the off-season, the number of tenders is reduced to three, reflecting the decreased traffic and operational needs. The tenders follow a precise procedure to open the bridge: they first stop land traffic, then release the red and white gates, disengage the bridgeโ€™s brakes, and sound the horn twice. Monitoring is continuous, with tenders observing both land and marine traffic via windows and multiple cameras stationed around the bridge. When the bridge is closed, metal teeth lock into place, with one side overlapping the other and metal pins securing the structure together.

Crank by Hand

A walk over the Rt 50 Bridge – kids love it! Leave the car at the Park and Ride in West Ocean

Interestingly, if mechanical issues arise, there is a manual crank system that can be used to open the bridge if needed. This backup system underscores the bridgeโ€™s robust design and the measures in place to ensure it remains operational even in emergencies.

Bridges in General

Victoria Sadler – Rt 50 drawbridge coming into Ocean City

Made of metal, the bridgeโ€™s structure expands and contracts with temperature changes. This can sometimes result in friction and heat buildup, particularly in high traffic conditions. In extreme cases, firefighters may need to hose down the metal to help it cool and contract properly after opening.

Right of Way Law

Kristie Becker – Taking a sunset cruise on the Judith M under the Rt 50 drawbridge! My 7 year old loved the front the boat!

Fun fact: per Coast Guard regulations, marine traffic has the right of way over land traffic, a rule that emphasizes the bridge’s role in supporting maritime activities.

For those navigating the Route 50 Bridge, understanding its operation can make your travel experience smoother. Whether youโ€™re a driver or a boater, knowing the schedule and operational procedures can help you plan your journey more effectively and avoid unnecessary delays.

Thank you to bridge tender Melissa Powell a former 911 dispatcher/supervisor in Worcester County, Mark Crampton (MDOT), and George Norfolk (MDOT) for meeting and showing me the ins and out the our incredible little bridge that could.

Katie Ruskey
Katie Ruskeyhttp://kruskeyauthor.com
Katie Ruskey is a local author, splitting her time between Baltimore and Ocean City. Her debut fiction novel, Marlin Week, was released in August 2022 based on three captains that fish in the infamous White Marlin Open. Her first children's book, The A B Seas of Ocean City, Maryland takes young readers on a tour of OC. For more information on how to purchase her books, visit her website www.kruskeyauthor.com or follow her on IG/FB at Katherine Ruskey Author.

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