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Ocean City

NEWS! NEWS! NEWS! Michael Jordan’s Catch 23 Makes an Appearance At the 2024 White Marlin Open Scales

Around 8:30pm on the second day of the 2024 White Marlin Open Tournament, Catch 23, owned by the famous NBA icon, Michael Jordan made an appearance. Weighing in a 32 1/2 pound mahi, Catch 23 takes 1st place in the mahi category. The fish is currently worth $18,000. The boat an 82′ Bayliss, different from the 82′ Viking we’re accustomed to seeing, donated the fish back to Ocean City. We all wish them good luck for the rest of the week and look forward to seeing them again at the scales!

Michael Jordan's Fishing Boat at the White Marlin Open in Ocean City, Maryland
Michael Jordan upgraded from this 80′ Viking to an 82′ Bayliss and was spotted in Ocean City, MD for the White Marlin Open
Katie Ruskey
Katie Ruskeyhttp://kruskeyauthor.com
Katie Ruskey is a local author, splitting her time between Baltimore and Ocean City. Her debut fiction novel, Marlin Week, was released in August 2022 based on three captains that fish in the infamous White Marlin Open. Her first children's book, The A B Seas of Ocean City, Maryland takes young readers on a tour of OC. For more information on how to purchase her books, visit her website www.kruskeyauthor.com or follow her on IG/FB at Katherine Ruskey Author.

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