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Ocean City

Ocean City and Maryland are still fighting COVID and following Governor Hogan’s Lead

Governor Larry Hogan and Mayor Rick Meehan in a photo taken pre-COVID

Governor Larry Hogan held a press conference on Tuesday to address the increase in COVID infections and hospitalizations in Maryland.  “More people are getting infected with the virus, more people are being hospitalized, more people are going into intensive care, and more Marylanders are dying.”  He announced a series of actions to slow the spread of the pandemic.  “The actions we are taking today are absolutely necessary to help us withstand this surge, to save lives, and to keep Maryland on the road to recovery and open for business.”

  • Indoor dining capacity reduced to 50%.  This is a decrease from 75% allowed earlier in the summer and applies to bars and restaurants.  Read the Governor’s Order here.
  • Limit for Indoor Gatherings is 25 or less. Read the health advisory here.
  • Out-of-State Travel Advisory is Expanded.  Contract tracing is showing an uptick in confirmed cases connected to travel outside the state.  Marylanders are strongly advised against traveling to a state with a positivity rate above 10% or to a state where average case rates are above 20 per 100,000 people.  Check your state here. This public health advisory applies to all travel — personal, family, or business.  Read the travel advisory here.  
  • Maryland returns to Mandatory Teleworking except for essential personnel and direct public-facing services.  All businesses are encouraged to do the same.

Governor Hogan also added a new hospital surge capacity order and new guidance for nursing homes and assisted living facilities.  

In response to the Governor’s communication and orders, the Mayor and City Council in Ocean City voted unanimously to extend the Mayor’s executive authority for another 30 days and to extend the local state of emergency declaration for another 30 days.  This declaration mandates face masks on the Boardwalk if visitors or residents are unable to consistently maintain at least six feet of distance from other individuals who are not members of the same household.

“Not only has Maryland been a leader in slowing the spread of COVID-19, but Ocean City has been as well,” commented Mayor Rick Meehan.  “Our business community, residents and visitors, and the Town government have taken steps to protect ourselves, our families and our community as a whole, which is evident by our low positivity rate and key metrics.”

Ann has been with StateVentures since 1999. She moved from Annapolis to Berlin, MD to be closer to Ocean City. She splits her work week between the two locations to help clients and visitors get the best information and value out of our sites. She loves a camera and any excuse to use it.  Her kids are both grown and off adventuring.  Ann loves to travel with her kids and lives with her dog Marley when she's not in Virginia fishing.

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