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Ocean City

Ocean City’s First Jellyfish Festival!

Music, sun, fun and more: that’s what Ocean City’s first Jellyfish Festival brought the town this past weekend. From June 21 to the 23rd, bands from around the country came to perform live for the residents of this Eastern Shore tourist town. Not only did major performing acts come and perform, but local talents from Ocean City, like the Undateables and Muskrat Lighting, performed alongside big names like Styx. Music could be heard along the Boardwalk from the Inlet parking lot to Talbot Street, and possibly even further.

Throughout the day, several events, activities and sessions would be going on. For instance, on Saturday, June 22nd, the BMX crew, sponsored by Monster, gave spectators a show as they jumped a 40-foot gap and leaped 75 feet in the air, all while performing insane tricks. For surfers, looking out into the ocean would be the sight to see, as local surfers went head-to-head with professionals in the Tow-In Surf Event. Finally, skaters were able to shred the mega Mini Ramp right in the center of the area. At times, you could see pro skater Rodney Jones tear up the ramp and flash his skills to those among him.

Jellyfish Festival

The inaugural Jellyfish Festival will take place in Ocean City, Maryland June 21 – 23, 2019 Jellyfish Festival is a music, surfing, skating and fitness-centered festival coming to Ocean City, MD for the first time in 2019. The core of the festival is the mainstage: This will be right off the Boardwalk north of the Pier, stretching into North Division Street.

Easily, the biggest spectacle at Jellyfish was the selection of music, and each day of the festival was designated a different theme. The themes, in order, were Fresh Friday, Classic Saturday, and Music with a Message Sunday. During the day, you could walk in and catch the bands performing at either the Sea Stage on Dorchester Street or on the Beach Stage right by Jolly Roger on the Pier. These performances were free and open to the public for viewing. At night, however, the bands performed on what was dubbed the “A-Stage.” To see these performances, people needed a ticket to enter. Some, however, pulled up a beach chair and watched from the outside. A “No Bag Policy” was established to promote safety during the nighttime shows.

This is only Jellyfish’s first year here, and it has already made a huge impact on Ocean City. Hopefully, we’ll see Jellyfish return to Ocean City in the future for another weekend of music, extreme sports and more!

Featured image by Ivy Wells.

Victor Vick
Victor Vick
Victor Vick is a new author and journalist with OceanCity.com. Victor recently graduated from Stephen Decatur High School in May 2019 and plans on going to University of Maryland Eastern Shore by the end of the Summer.

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