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Ocean City Halloween Trick or Treat at Trimper’s

Trick, Treat, or Dance at Trimper’s

Trimper’s Rides hosts ‘Dance of the Undead’ this Halloween Weekend

Trimper’s is dancing alongside all the ghouls, goblins, & gremlins that seek a place to get funky! Friday night, DJ BK is bringing spooky and freaky tunes for all the Zombies as Trimper’s kicks off it Dance of the Undead Weekend with a Zombie Dance Party. Guests are encouraged to dress in any costume, but the best zombie will win a prize that night. Doors open at 4 and the dance starts at 5.

Ocean City Trick or Treat

Saturday all ages should come out for DJ Spin and the Family Costume Dance Party! Many activities that have been happening all October will continue like Pumpkin Ring Toss and Scarecrow Stuffing. For Halloween Day extra activities such as a costume parade, and costume contests for singles and groups will be offered. Best of all riders can Trick or Treat at all the rides for candy and special mementos. Bring your Trick or Treat bags to haul away all your goodies. With over 100,000sq ft, Trimper’s can provide the space for family and friends to have fun in a socially distant environment and enjoy the splendor of Ocean City.

Single & Family Prize Packs Awarded

To win any contest, visitors should stop by Trimper’s Guest Service to sign up. The Family Costume Contest winner will get one family four pack of tickets for the 2021 season.


Darkness falls across the landOcean City Trick or TreatThe midnight hour is close at hand
Creatures crawl in search of blood
To terrorize your neighborhood
And whosoever shall be found
Without the soul for getting down
Must stand and face the hounds of hell
And rot inside a corpse’s shell
The demons squeal in sheer delight
It’s you they spy, so plump, so right
For though the groove is hard to beat
Yet still you stand with frozen feet
You try to run, you try to scream
But no more sun you’ll ever see
For evil reaches from the crypt
To crush you in its icy grip
The foulest stench is in the air
The funk of 40,000 years
And grisly ghouls from every tomb
Are closing in to seal your doom
And though you fight to stay alive
Your body starts to shiver
For no mere mortal can resist
The evil of the Thriller
Read by Vincent Price ~ intro to Michael Jackson’s Thriller


Sponsors during Trimper’s Thrills-N-Chills are:

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