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Ocean City

Out With The Old At the Holiday Inn Oceanfront

The outdoor pool and garden area of the Holiday Inn Oceanfront Ocean City on 66th Street is under a huge transformation this winter. The original pool bar and tennis courts have been ripped out, and a new design has been laid out. The new pool and hot tub forms are being built, and the concrete is being poured next week. The new pool and outdoor area will be open by Memorial Day 2023. We can’t wait to see the finished design! Take a look at its progression.

Looking down at the original pool
View of the Holiday Inn from the beach
The original pool at the Holiday Inn Oceanfront
View of the tennis courts at the Holiday Inn Oceanfront
Relaxing on a hammock at the Holiday Inn Oceanfront
Start of demolition
The old pool has gone
Work continues with the redesigned pool area
Tennis courts are gone!
New layout planned
Work continues
Looking down at the new layout
Pool and hot tub forms are being built, and concrete is next week!
Anne, a native of Edinburgh, Scotland, discovered Ocean City over three decades ago and was so captivated by its charm that she decided to make it her permanent home. Her love for travel remains strong, but Ocean City holds a special place in her heart. Anne's deep connection to the town is evident in her role as a seasoned writer for OceanCity.com, a position she's held since September 2014. Her frequent visits to local events, businesses, restaurants, and hotels have given her an insider's perspective, making her an invaluable resource for newcomers seeking the best experiences Ocean City has to offer.

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