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Ocean City

Questions about Electronic Tolls for Bay Bridge to Ocean City, Maryland Answered

Questions about Electronic Tolls for Bay Bridge to Ocean City, Maryland Answered

This article will be updated with more answers as we receive them from MD Dept. of Transportation. Please check back for additional questions answered about Bay Bridge to Ocean City, Maryland.

When the article on the changes to tolling on the Bay Bridge came out, many of you had questions. We have reached out to the Maryland Dept. of Transportation with your queries. They provided us with several items that could bring some clarity.

Questions Answered – Bay Bridge to Ocean City, Maryland

How does an electronic toll function?

The system has three components:

  1. Transponder: electronic device attached to your vehicleโ€™s interior windshield
  2. Overhead Antennas: read the transponder on your vehicle and deduct the toll from the account
  3. Video Cameras: identify when a vehicle goes through a toll facility without paying or the account funding or information is not accurate

Mount the E-ZPass transponder on your windshield behind the rearview mirror. The overhead antenna detects your transponder as your vehicle drives through, registers the toll electronically and sends the information to the MDTA system where the toll is deducted from your account.

What is a NOTD?

NOTICE OF TOLL DUE – A notification received in the mail indicating to the registered owner that their vehicle was recorded going through a toll facility without paying the toll. The NOTD tells the vehicle owner that a Video Toll payment is due by a certain date, and what the amount due would equal if paid on-time (within 30 days) or if paid late (after 30 days).

I Have an E-ZPass Account, Why Did I Receive a NOTD?

Some of the most common reasons you may receive a NOTD if you have an E-ZPass account are:

  • Insufficient funds on your E-ZPass account at time of transaction
  • The credit/debit card on the E-ZPass account has expired or was declined
  • The license plate of the vehicle is not listed on your E-ZPass account and no transponder was detected during the transaction
  • Your E-ZPass transponder was mounted improperly
  • Your E-ZPass account is a Hatem Bridge Choice โ€œAโ€ Only Account that is valid only at the Thomas J. Hatem Memorial Bridge (US 40).

How is the Video Toll Rate Determined?

Video Toll rates at all Maryland toll facilities are 1.5 times the Cash/Base Rate, with a minimum of $1 and maximum of $15 above the Cash/ Base Rate.

  • In Maryland, the Intercounty Connector (ICC)/ MD 200 (ICC), I-95 Express Toll Lanes (ETL), Hatem Bridge and Key Bridge are cashless facilities and cash is not accepted. Customers without a valid E-ZPass account will be charged the Video Toll Rate.
  • Pricing periods are peak, off-peak and overnight hours and days of the week when a particular mileage rate is in effect for the ICC and I-95 ETL. Peak period excludes federal holidays. Pricing periods may vary by up to 60 minutes earlier and later. Changes to the pricing periods may occur once travel patterns are assessed.

Peak Period: Mon – Fri: 6 a.m. โ€“ 9 a.m.; 4 p.m. โ€“ 7 p.m. (excluding federal holidays)

Off-Peak Period: Mon – Fri: 5 a.m. โ€“ 6 a.m.; 9 a.m. โ€“ 4 p.m.; 7 a.m. โ€“ 11 p.m. Sat & Sun: 5 a.m. โ€“ 11 p.m.

Overnight Period: Sun – Sat: 11 p.m. โ€“ 5 a.m.


What is an EZ-pass transponder?

Transponder – electronic device attached to your vehicleโ€™s interior windshield.


Must a vehicle have an EZ-pass to pass over the bridge?

No, Video Tolling is a form of electronic toll collection, which uses still images of a vehicleโ€™s license plate to identify a vehicle liable to pay a toll. The image is captured as the vehicle drives under the gantry or through a toll plaza at a toll-collection facility.

Is Video Tolling without E-ZPass a different fee?

Video Tolling allows drivers without E-ZPass to use the toll road and pay after receiving a mailed invoice, called a NOTD. However, a higher Toll Rate is charged for Video Tolling o offset the higher cost of processing Video Tolls. This process is called a Video Toll transaction.


Does E-Z pass work in multiple states? Do you need an E-Z pass specifically for and from Maryland?

E-ZPass is accepted in 17 states โ€“ all Maryland toll facilities and in Delaware, Florida (CFX only), Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Virginia, and West Virginia.


How much does an E-Zpass transponder cost?

Interior transponders are FREE to Maryland Residents!

  • $25 is the minimum needed to open an E-ZPass Maryland account and 100% goes towards your tolls once your account is set up.
  • There is NO $1.50 account maintenance fee for accounts with a Maryland address. Accounts without a Maryland address are charged a $1.50 monthly account maintenance fee, unless the account uses Maryland toll facilities three or more times in one statement period.


How do I pay my EZ-pass bill?

  • Credit card: the most convenient way to pay. Payments may be made by visiting ezpassmd.com, going to an E-ZPass Maryland Customer Service Center or calling 1.888.321.6824. We also offer members the option to sign up for automatic credit card replenishment. By choosing to replenish your account automatically by credit card, you reduce the chance of having insufficient funds in your account.
  • Check or money order: mail your payment to: Maryland Service Center P.O. Box 17600, Baltimore, MD 21297-7600
  • Cash: cash payments must be made in-person at any of the E-ZPass Maryland Customer Service Centers. Visit ezpassmd.com or call 1.888.321.6824 and select option #5 for a complete listing of center hours, addresses and directions.

Ocean City Weather for over the Bridge Traffic

Jessica Bauer
Jessica Bauer
Jessica is a creative through and through. She loves creating from sun up to sun down. She is an artist, a friend, a mom, a wife, and whatever other hat she might wear in a day. You might find Jessica with a camera or sketch pad in the local area, but you might find her far and away as she loves to travel. If you see her say, hi and give her dog/baby, Joey a hello too since they usually travel together!

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