50 F
Ocean City

Restaurants in Ocean City Open for Outdoor Dining

Tonight Ocean City Goers Can Dine El Fresco

The Governor of Maryland announced this past Wednesday that more restrictions would lessen starting today. Starting at 5pm today (May 29, 2020) restaurants and bars can serve meals to patrons if they have outdoor dining available. Restaurants offering table service has been the most anticipated of the allowances newly opened.

Many businesses, since the announcement, have been working very hard to get ready. We snapped some shots of tables and chairs beginning to be placed in preparation of tonight. Scroll down for a full gallery.

Here is a quick list of  businesses that are preparing for outdoor dining and what you can expect. (All businesses are adhering to new sanitizing guidelines and necessary new protocols for all staff.):

Longboard Cafe

Longboard has spread out their tables to 6 foot distance or better along the boardwalk & decks. They are also set up in their parking lot.  They have also designating a staffer to constantly sanitize tables, chairs and restrooms. All condiments & salt & pepper will be in disposable packets upon request. Water will be poured by servers (vs leaving bottles on the table). Disposable paper menus and contactless digital menus will be used.

Mackys ocean city bar


Macky’s tables have all been socially distanced to give  guests room to feel comfortable.  The staff will be wearing masks.  Macky’s has placed sanitizing stations throughout the restaurant.  They have cut down the menu, but are still serving the favorites. Entertainment has not been scheduled yet due to phasing allowances, but it will be a part of the Macky’s experience when it is permitted. Hours: Opening Thursday June 4th at 3 pm.  Opening at 11 am after that.  Closing time is yet to be determined. 


Weather permitting Pickles  will be seating out front on their porch. All social distancing will be adhered to. First come first serve.  Carry out will continue and hours will vary depending on the day. 





shrimp boat

Shrimp Boat

Shrimp Boat is  now open 9am to 8pm(possibly later) with outside seating 11am to 8pm(possibly later).








Greg ShockleyShenanigan’s

In accordance with health department and state regulations, Shenanigan’s now has limited seating, outdoor dining. We also continue to serve carryout food and drinks with our expanding menu.

To help with the volume of people that will want to sit and eat a meal, Ocean City is also setting up picnic tables in the sand along the boardwalk.



Berlin, MD

The town of Berlin plans to block off streets to allow for restaurants to expand seating outside. If some restaurants cannot offer outside service the town also plans to have tables set out for those that buy carry out. SO patrons have a place to sit and enjoy their meal.


Restaurants with available outside dining:

28th St Pit & Pub410.289.2020http://www.PitandPub.com
45th Street Taphouse Bar & Grille443-664-2201http://octaphouses.com
Abbey Burger Bistro410-250-2333http://www.abbeyburgerbistro.com
Alley Oops410-390-7398http://www.alleyoopsoc.com
Angler Restaurant410-289-7424http://angleroc.net
Anthony's Carryout(410) 289-9193https://www.facebook.com/ocanthonys/
Backshore Brewing & Hammerheads(410) 289-0008http://www.backshorebrew.com
Bayside Skillet(410) 524-7950http://www.TheBaysideSkillet.com
Bayview Bar and Grille410.723.2222http://facebook.com/bayviewbandg
BJ's on the Water(410) 524-7575http://www.bjsonthewater.com
BLU Crabhouse & Raw Bar(410) 289-3322http://www.blucrabhouse.com
Bourbon Street on the Beach443-664-2896http://www.bourbonstreetonthebeach.com/
Brass Balls Saloon(410) 289-0069http://www.facebook.com/brassballssaloon
Buddy's OC Crabs and Ribs410-289-0500http://www.buddysoc.com
Bull on the Beach 2nd & 94th410.289-2855, 410.524.2455https://bullonthebeachoc.com/
Caribbean Pool Bar @ The Plim410.289.0837https://www.plimplazaoc.com/
Carousel Patio Bar & Grill(410) 524-1000http://www.carouselhotel.com
Coastal Salt410.973.7258https://www.facebook.com/CoastalSaltOC/
Coconut's Bar & Grill at Castle in the Sand(410) 289-6846http://www.coconutsbeachbar.com
Coffee Beanery410-524-4400http://www.coffeebeanery.com
Crab Alley(410) 213-7800http://www.craballeyoc.com
Crab Bag(410) 250-3337http://www.thecrabbag.com
Dead Freddies Island Grill410-524-3733http://www.deadfreddies.com
DeepEnd Pool Bar410.289.2612https://www.ocsuites.com/
DoubleTree Sand Dune & Shark Pool Bar410.289.1234https://www.facebook.com/marlinmoon33/
Dough Roller - South Division St.410-289-3501www.thedoughroller.com
Dry 85 OC443-664-8989http://www.dry85.com
Dry Dock 28410-289-2828http://www.drydockoc.com
Duffy's Tavern(410) 250-1449http://www.duffysoc.com
Fager's Island Restaurant(410) 524-5500http://www.fagers.com
Fish Tales Bar & Grill(410) 289-0090http://www.ocfishtales.com
General's Kitchens410.723.0477https://www.generalskitchenoc.com/
Guidos Burritos LLC410-524-3663http://www.guidosburritos.com
Happy Jack Pancake House410.289.7377https://www.happyjackpancakehouse.com/
Harborside Bar & Grill(410) 213-1846http://www.weocharborside.com
Harpoon Hanna's(302) 539-3095http://www.harpoonhannasrestaurant.com
Hobbit Restaurant410.524.8100http://www.thehobbitrestaurant.com/
Hooked Restaurant410-723-4665http://www.hookedoc.com
Hoopers Crab House410-213-1771http://hooperscrabhouse.com
Hooters Restaurant(410) 213-1841http://www.hootersofoc.com
King Kone410-250-2602https://www.facebook.com/ockingkone/
Layton's on 92nd(410) 524-4200http://killerfood.wix.com/laytonson92
Lenny's Beach Bar & Grill(410) 524-3535http://www.clarionoc.com
Little House of Pancakes, Ribs & Pizza(410) 520-0407http://www.ocpancakes.com/
Liquid Therapy at the Aloft443-373-0800http://www.liquidtherapyoc.com
Longboard Cafe443-664-5639http://www.longboardcafe.net
Manana Mode Pool Bar410.289.6444https://www.facebook.com/HiltonSuitesOceanCity/
Marina Deck Restaurant410-289-4411http://www.marinadeckrestaurant.com
Marlin Moon Restaurant(410) 289-1234https://marlinmoonocmd.com
Micky Fins Bar & Grill(410) 213-9033http://www.ocmickyfins.com
MR Ducks410.289.9125http://www.mrducks.com/
Mug & Mallet410.289.3250http://www.mugandmallet.com/
Ocean 13410.289.6213http://ocean13ocmd.com
Omega Eats410-289-7744http://www.omegaeats.com
Original Pool Bar410.524.1600https://www.holidayinnoceanfront.com/
Outback Steakhouse410.213.2595http://www.outback.com
Phillips Bayside Cantina(410) 250-1200http://www.phillipsseafood.com
Pickles Pub(410) 289-4891https://picklesoc.com/
Pizza Tugos410-524-2922http://pizzatugos.com
Ralphie's Rum Shack(410) 973-7258https://www.facebook.com/ralphiesrumshack/
Reel Inn(410) 289-3511http://www.reelinnoceancity.com
Rip Tide Pool800-837-3585https://www.flagshipoceanfront.com/
Ropewalk OC, LLC410-524-1009https://oceancity.ropewalk.com/
Rosenfeld's Jewish Delicatessen410-520-0283http://www.RosenfeldsJewishDeli.com
Schooners Restaurant(410) 524-7777http://www.princessroyale.com
Sea Bay Cafe410-524-6100http://www.seabaycafe.com
Seacrets(410) 524-4900http://www.seacrets.com
Shark on the Harbor410.213.0924http://www.ocshark.com
Shenanigan's Pub(410) 289-7181http://www.ocshenanigans.com
Skye Bar & Grille(410) 723-6762http://skyebaroc.com/
Smoker's BBQ Pit(410) 213-0040http://www.smokersbbqpit.com
Sunset Grille(410) 213-8110http://www.ocsunsetgrille.com
Tailchasers Restaurant & Dock Bar443-644-7075http://www.tailchasersoc.com
The Shrimp Boat Inc410-213-0448http://www.shrimpboatoc.com
Uber Bagels & Deli443-664-6128http://www.uberbagels.com
Victorian Room410-289-1100http://www.dunesmanor.com

Here are some pics of restaurants in the area prepping by placing their outdoor seating for tonight:

[ngg src=”galleries” ids=”132″ display=”basic_thumbnail” thumbnail_width=”375″ thumbnail_height=”275″ thumbnail_crop=”0″]

Jessica Bauer
Jessica Bauer
Jessica is a creative through and through. She loves creating from sun up to sun down. She is an artist, a friend, a mom, a wife, and whatever other hat she might wear in a day. You might find Jessica with a camera or sketch pad in the local area, but you might find her far and away as she loves to travel. If you see her say, hi and give her dog/baby, Joey a hello too since they usually travel together!

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