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Ocean City
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Getting ready at The Ropewalk

There is a sensory experience that is as much taste as it is smell when you pass from the oppressive heat of the parking...

Making new friends in Ocean City

One thing about Ocean City that surely is unique are the friends you can make and the people you meet when you live here,...

Kayaking at Janes Island State Park

Looking for a few days away from the hustle and bustle of Ocean City? Not far from the ocean, on the other side of...

The Rule About Digging at the Beach

Whenever you go to the beach you are sure to see people of all ages digging in the sand. Digging a hole is normally...

5 alt hotel views you shouldn’t miss

Many of the big hotels offer sweeping views of the ocean and bay. Striking hotel views are something many of us have come to expect...

Chincoteague Bay Field Station wins $91,000 EPA grant

Chincoteague Bay Field Station (CBFS) is pleased to announce that it has received a $91,000 grant from the Environmental Protection Agency’s Local Environmental Education...

Ocean City Senior Week dangers and triumphs

I graduated high school  in June and the week that followed graduation was filled with questions like, "Where am I staying this weekend?" Or "What...

Ocean City Screams fun and excitement

 Like a lot of you out there reading this article right now, I've been vacationing in Ocean City since my childhood, and it's fair...

Free concert in Berlin

Annapolis Bluegrass Coalition will perform at the Berlin Heritage Foundation’s second concert on the lawn this season on Sunday, July 10th at 6:00 p.m. Bring...

4 kid activities adults will love

There is a kind of odd middle ground for people who bring their kids to Ocean City. On the one hand, you want to...

1776: It is done.

The final performance we seemed more in sync than we had for the past four months. We hit our notes; we remembered our lines....

Always Swim Near a Lifeguard

“Keep your feet in the sand until the lifeguard’s in the stand!” This is our trademark slogan that you will see many places throughout...

Get your lunch on the beach from Beach Bites

Like many forehead-slapping great ideas, Beach Bites grew out of the place where necessity and inspiration coincided. Brandon and Kimberly Davis were on the...

An evening at Ocean City Fish Co.

What follows is a food opinion piece from one of our independent columnists --Ed. As I'm sure a lot of you out there already know we've...

Beach Patrol Ready for Summer

The Ocean City Beach Patrol begins its work Labor Day Weekend This summer is an especially exciting time for the Beach Patrol. We opened this...

This Farm to Table Dinner Will Make Your Mouth Water

  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S7vj025V6lc From onions to oysters, and from clams to coffee, Eastern Shore farmers, growers, and roasters provide a variety of delicious goods to please the...