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Ocean City
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Hunger-Free Schools Act may affect parts of county

(June 12, 2015) Signed into law and taking effect June 1, the Hunger-Free Schools Act of 2015 eliminates the need for an application to...

Ocean City Air Show returns this weekend

(June 12, 2015) Ocean City’s eighth annual Air Show takes off this weekend bringing international performers, World War II bomber planes and numerous other...

Stein’s 281.6-lb. mako takes top award in tourney

(June 12, 2015) One hundred sixty-eight “diehard” anglers and captains headed offshore on 37 boats last weekend during the 19th annual Mako Mania Shark...

MSSA’s 26th Tuna-ment Tournament, June 19-21

(June 12, 2015) The Maryland Saltwater Sportfishing Association will present its 26th annual Tuna-ment Tournament next weekend. Teams will fish two of three days –...

Flying over the Ocean City Boardwalk with John Klatt

(June 12, 2015) Lt. Col. John Klatt will be doing barrel rolls, stalls, loops and assorted other aerodynamically challenging actions over the beach this...

School support staff feeling pay squeeze, too

(June 12, 2015) Dealing with less vocal support than teachers enjoy, yet doing the work needed for the maintenance and operations of the county’s...

Appearing Live: June 12-18, 2015

BJ’S ON THE WATER 75th Street and the bay Ocean City 410-524-7575 June 12: Full Circle, 9 p.m. June 13: Chest Pains, 9 p.m. June 17: It’s About Time, 5 p.m. BOURBON STREET ON...

Kids At Play Photos

It's the simple pleasures in life that are important.  When you see kids at the beach, playing, swimming, laughing, running around, and using their imagination...

On the Waterfront Photos

Ocean City is the perfect place to relax by the waterfront, or even relax on the water. Take friends and family for a pontoon...

Hover Board Photos

The Hover Board is for those who dare!  Take a look at these Hover Board photos which show the skill and bravery required to...

Sand in your Shoes Photos

As the waves crash onto the Ocean City Beach, little children squeel and jump, teenagers grab their boogie boards and catch the wave, and...

Microbrew Monday: June 8, 2015

With 4 breweries in town, 9 more under an hour away, and more popping up every few months, Ocean City, MD has asserted itself...

OC Shark Tournament 2015 at Fish Tales in Photos

Fish Tales hosts the OC Shark Tournament 2015 at Fish Tales in Ocean City, Maryland.  Fish Tales is a wonderful place for dinner or...

Splashing Around in the Water Photos

Ocean City is surrounded by water on three sides, making it a great place to participate in watersports, whether you are a beginner or...

Ropewalk now open on 82nd St.

(June 5, 2015) Ropewalk is now open on 82nd Street with fresh seafood, a great bay view and a wide range of activities for...

Commander hotel celebrates 85 years in OC

(June 5, 2015) A hotel can’t last in Ocean City for 85 years without undergoing a bit of change and the Commander Hotel on...