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County Briefs 06/05/2015

(June 5, 2015) The Worcester County Commissioners also discussed the following issues during their most recent regular meeting. Water fees hike Four of the 11 sanitary...

Delicious Dishes from Ocean City, Md Photos

There is always something delightful to discover in the restaurants, bars and cafes in Ocean City.  Check out these Delicious Dishes from Ocean City, Md...

This week in OC: June 5-11, 2015

After a rainy, dreary week, it appears we will see clear skies and mild temperatures here in Ocean City, Md this weekend. If you...

Out & About: June 5-11, 2015

FRI. June 5 GEM, MINERAL AND JEWELRY SHOW — Ocean City convention center, 4001 Coastal Highway, noon to 6 p.m. Sterling silver and 14K, classic, contemporary and...

Appearing Live: June 5-11, 2015

BJ’S ON THE WATER 75th Street and the bay Ocean City 410-524-7575 June 5: Over Time, 9 p.m. June 6: It’s About Time, 9 p.m. June 10: Sir Rod, 5 p.m. BOURBON STREET ON...

Fun on the Boardwalk Photos

The boardwalk comes alive at night, and as the sun goes down, the lights go on and the excitement begins. The laughter gets louder,...

Microbrew Monday: June 1, 2015

With 4 breweries in town, 9 more under an hour away, and more popping up every few months, Ocean City, MD has asserted itself...

Blue Angels take Flight over OC at 2015 Air Show

Each year, just before the calendar switches to summer, something special happens high above Ocean City, Md that captures the eyes and imaginations of...

Springfest Celebrates 25 Years in 2015

Each spring, Ocean City, Md welcomes the arrival of warm weather and celebrates the oncoming summer through its first of many seasonal festivals- Springfest....

Springfest Celebrates 25 Years in 2015

Each spring, Ocean City, Md welcomes the arrival of warm weather and celebrates the oncoming summer through its first of many seasonal festivals- Springfest....

Trimper family’s ‘strange inheritance’ on TV

(April 17, 2015) In case you missed it, Trimper’s Rides, an Ocean City Boardwalk mainstay, debuted on the Fox Business Network’s “Strange Inheritance” this...

Jolly Roger debuts elevated go-kart track at 32nd St.

(March 13, 2015) For all the high-rise hotels and condos of previous decades’ building booms, the resort’s great engineering marvel of the most recent...

A Different View of Ocean City

One can hope that Spring is just around the corner, but the trees are still bare, and a jacket is still needed when venturing...

Class ring missing for 22 years found in OC

(Feb. 20, 2015) It had been 22 years since Scott Urlocker had last seen his class of 1990 ring from Escambia High School in...

Brewing company winning awards

(Feb. 13, 2015) Opened on July 2, Assawoman Bay Brewing Co. qualifies as one of the youngest craft breweries on the Eastern Shore. Age often...

Craft beer marketing group pressing forward

(Jan. 30, 2015) Assawoman Bay Brewing Co. in Ocean City on Monday held the second installment of the ongoing “Beer Talk & Tasting” series...