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Ocean City

Should toplessness be allowed in Ocean City? The town responds

โ€œThe Worcester County Stateโ€™s Attorneyโ€™s Office received a request last summer from a woman who believed it was her constitutional right to be bare-chested on Ocean Cityโ€™s beach.  At that time, the Stateโ€™s Attorney reached out to the Maryland Attorney Generalโ€™s Office for an opinion on the matter, which we are still anxiously awaiting.  The Mayor & City Council are strongly opposed to this idea and are taking the matter very seriously by exploring what legal actions can be taken to prevent this from happening. While we respect Ms. Covingtonโ€™s desire to express what rights she may have, Ocean City is a family beach resort and we intend to do whatever is within our ability to keep it that way.โ€

There was a request to the Worcester County States Attorney last summer by a woman who believes it is her constitutional right to be on Ocean Cityโ€™s beach without a top.

The states attorney has reached out to the attorney generalโ€™s office and is  waiting an opinion. The Police Department is working closely with the states attorney and Beach Patrol on how to properly enforce any incidents that arise. The mayor & city council strongly oppose this idea (one assumes they mean toplessness and not working with the states attorney and beach patrol–Ed.) and are working to determine what legal actions can be taken to prevent this from occurring.

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  1. This is a FAMILY beach! I get the whole women’s right thing but really! Sometimes too much is just TOO MUCH!!!!! NO to topless!

  2. I don’t have a problem with women going topless but OC has been a family beach forever and i think it needs to stay that way if a women is at home and wants to go outside topless or places that allow it fine I really don’t have a problem seeing a woman topless but my wife and i go to OC about every year on vacation and it would be very uncomfortable walking with my wife and all these women topless cause a man is going to look and i think it would just cause alot of problems like fights cause a man sees another man looking at his wife or girlfriend it would just lead to alot of problems. PLEASE LEAVE OC THE WAY IT IS

  3. Ocean City has always been a family beach. I own a condo there and always look forward to going there on vacation but I may think twice about keeping the condo if the beach goes topless. My family goes there also and I don’t think they would appreciate taking their children to the beach if it goes topless.

  4. No I think the women should have the same rate of a man if he chooses to take his shirt off or leave his shirt on I think the woman should have that same constitutional right as a man if he desires to show her breasts then so be it her breasts are no different than my breasts as a man some a big summer small some around some you’ll see it all I think that it should be all right to do as we wish as long as we’re in the compound of the law if we choose to go topless and we choose to go topless the law should not have a say in this matter

    • People should stop being ashamed of their bodies and those of others. Well adjusted children will grow um with a healthy appreciation that the human form in its natural state is nothing to be ashamed of in its viewing. Rather it is an architectural marvel and a thing of artful beauty. People should begin to see beauty in all things rather than projecting their negative guilt-ridden shame onto it.

  5. Why is it OK for a man with 40DD breasts to walk around with out covering them? But it’s ILLEGAL for women to go bare chested! !!!!

  6. To avoid the years of battle…just designate a section of beach for those who feel inclined to be barebreasted. There are many nude beaches in other countries. Everyone respects each others choices. I do realize O.C. is a small area compared to other places that do have many beaches….put this area at the far end….families and people that are not interested in seein boobs can rent further up the beach.


    • As an older couple my husband and i will NOT return to Ocean City if this happens. There is enough garbage going on there already. They need to control what is driving people away. If this is just a hangout for the younger generation to get attention, count us OUT.

  8. To Whom it May Concern,
    My husband and I will be in OC the week of the 18th, of this June, with our 9 yr old son.
    I do not want to have to leave the beach because someone chooses that nudity is ok for my son.
    Beachwear is skimpy enough. Leave some room for the imagination and leave your clothes on.
    We are looking forward to OC. Please don’t make nudity, of any kind, in public ok.
    thank you,
    A concerned mother

  9. No ocean city MD is suppose to be a family place. If they allow crap like that then people like me that has kids will not be bringing my children there anymore. At that why would people want to teach young girls and boys that its OK to be outside naked? Its not there’s perverts and etc all around.

  10. Remember to also enforce non-permitted photos. many other locations have a very heavy fine for posting non-approved photos online. I think San Antonio, TX has a $10,000 fine. still have to protect from the ” people ? ” glad to see O.C. is allowing the girls to match the guys in this. great job council !

  11. Well. I’ll tell you what, if it’s allowed I’m selling and getting out of “family oriented Ocean City”. And as a taxpayer in Ocean City I feel someone should do something about this behavior. I have grandchildren who don’t need to see hanging boobs or whatever boobs on the beach . Seriously if someone wants to go topless go to a private beach somewhere!

  12. Well. I’ll tell you what, if it’s allowed I’m selling and getting out of “family oriented Ocean City”. And as a taxpayer in Ocean City I feel someone should do something about this behavior. I have grandchildren who don’t need to see hanging boobs or whatever boobs on the beach . Seriously if someone wants to go topless go to a private beach somewhere!

  13. This is a family town where people from all over come to visit. If topless occurs in OC. I will sell my condo and move to Delaware and will not support any activities in Ocean City.. I pay taxes and I certainly dont welcome this thought at all.

  14. I do believe Ocean city is a family resort and if you decide to allow this you will lose alot of those families.. I know I will not go anymore . dont ruin it for those who grew up going to Ocean city and would love to continue


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