It’s not uncommon to see crowds of people donned in sunglasses walking the Ocean City boardwalk, but it is a little strange when almost every. person. there. has shades on. But Monday was an event and an occasion that no one wanted to miss, and that meant wearing protective eye gear, or else staring down into a cardboard box. The solar eclipse of August 21, 2017 was the first to span the lower United States in decades, and everyone in Ocean City was pretty psyched.
Our pictures
A friendly reminder from the Town of Ocean City. Not everyone came equipped with special filtered glasses… Those who didn’t used unconventional methods, like several pairs of sunglasses stacked together, to look at the sun. Or cereal boxes-turned-pinhole-projectors. This one was shared among strangers, which was a common theme on Monday: people coming together to share glasses or projectors, ooh-ing and aw-ing at the sky, united in a shared interest of the spectacular natural phenomenon. And the creativity of the pinhole projectors really knew no bounds.The sky was a pale blue-gray on Monday, but the filter placed over the lens of the camera turned the sky pitch black and colored the moon a glowing orange.
Your pictures
We asked readers to share their photos from the solar eclipse, and they didn’t let us down. Here’s just a few of the pictures that were submitted.
By Gina RuminskiBy Leesa Walker in Wallops, VirginiaBy Kristyn Rinaldi-Rodriguez at the 74th street beachBy Jenna Lynn Cottet in Seaford, DelawareBy Shelly Shirk, taken on a Canon with a solar filterBy Jessica-Angel Jones (In Frederick, Maryland, but still very cool!)Jeanna Homick looking at the eclipse from the deck of the Dunes Manor Hotel.
Kristin is a writer and photographer in Ocean City, Maryland, and is the content manager for and other State Ventures, LLC sites. She loves getting reader-submitted stories and photos, so send her an email anytime. She also works part-time at the Art League of Ocean City and the Ocean City Film Festival and lives just off the peninsula with her dog and fiancรฉ. Her photos can be found on Instagram @oc_kristin.