59 F
Ocean City

Surfing in Ocean City, MD

Surfing beaches
Surf shops
Surfing Events

Although technically defined as ‘the art of riding waves,’ surfing is really what any of us do when playing in the waves and riding them from ocean to beach. Surfing is a lifestyle. Surfing is a culture. Surfing is one of the coolest things in the world to do and one that we recommend everyone try at least once. For those that have adapted the lifestyle, we don’t need to say anything else. For those who haven’t, Ocean City, Maryland is home to some of the finest surfing on the East Coast and gains national recognition for its quality waves each year, so the sooner you paddle out and experience it for yourself, the better. Bodyboarding was officially born in 1971 and has since grown into one of the most participated recreational activities that takes place on any beach around the world. In fact, the east coast is home to TWO of the world’s top professional bodyboarders. What is even more interesting… Out of this coast that stretches from Florida to Maine, both pro bodyboarders, Brian Stoehr and Jay Reale, are from Ocean City, Maryland. While you don’t have to be a world class professional to enjoy surfing or bodyboarding in Ocean City, it never hurts to take advice and insight from the pros, which is exactly what you will find on this page. Find daily surf reports and surfing beaches, tide charts, listings for surf shops, articles, photos, and more!

Surfing Beaches

Surf Shops

Assateague Guide

2024 Surf Beach Rotation - Town of Ocean City

The Town of Ocean City is stoked to present the 2024 Surf Beach Rotation Schedule! To balance the needs of all beachgoers, we’ve designated specific areas along our ten-mile shoreline as rotating “surf beaches.”

How it Works

  • Two Rotating Beaches: One in the north end of town (between 146th and 67th Streets) and one in the south (between 66th and Caroline Streets).
  • Daily Rotation: Each surf beach moves two blocks south each day.
  • Inlet Surfing: A permanent surf beach at the Inlet is open weekdays (except holidays).


  • Season: May 1st to September 30th.
  • Hours: 10:00 AM to 5:30 PM (lifeguard hours).
  • Inlet to 27th Street: Surfing allowed from May 1st to September 30th.
  • Other Beaches: Surfing allowed from the Friday of Memorial Day weekend to September 30th.

Our Commitment

The Ocean City Beach Patrol crafts this schedule every three years with the goal of providing maximum access for surfers while minimizing the impact on property owners, swimmers, and other visitors. This schedule is then reviewed and approved by the Mayor and City Council.

Let’s Hang Ten!

We hope this schedule helps you catch the perfect wave in Ocean City this year. Remember to surf responsibly and respect all beach users.

See you in the water!

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