The White Marlin Open, renowned as the world’s largest billfish tournament, has evolved into a remarkable example of conservation efforts within competitive fishing. Held annually in Ocean City, Maryland, the tournament attracts hundreds of boats and anglers vying for prestigious titles and significant prize money. For 2024, 318 boats are vying for prize money of $8.5 million. However, the fate of the the majority of fish caught during this event is a testament to a growing commitment to preserving marine life.
Rules that Help the Fish
The White Marlin Open starts with rules that minimizes the number of fish that are actually killed.
Anglers must use non-offset circle hooks with natural baits.
“Federal law mandates that all anglers participating in a tournament which bestows points, prizes, or awards for Atlantic billfish (blue & white marlin, sailfish, spearfish, or swordfish) must deploy only non-offset circle hooks when using natural bait and/or natural/artificial lure combinations. Anglers in these tournaments may use J-hooks only in artificial lures.”
National Marine Fisheries Service Minimums Apply
“In the event that the National Marine Fisheries Service increases the minimum length for landing white and/or blue marlin over and above the current White Marlin Open minimums, then the new NMFS minimum length shall become the new White Marlin Open minimum length.”
Live Bait is Not Allowed when Trying to Catch billfish
With the intention of preserving sportsmanship, rewarding angling skills and billfish conservation, the intentional use of live bait and/or live bait teasers in the attempt to catch billfish is not allowed. The use of live bait or stopping and casting or pitching to tailing fish or fish balling bait is not permissible. Live baiting shall include live teasering and fishing for bait at any point during the tournament. The use of Chub Mackerel, Atlantic Mackerel, Boston Mackerel and Tinker Mackerel is prohibited.
Minimum Size Required to Qualify for Prize Money or Billfish Points
The following minimum weights/lengths must be met for a fish to qualify for prize money and/or billfish points:
White Marlin 70 lb and 70โ
Blue Marlin 114โ โ no minimum weight. To be eligible for weighing, a blue marlin must meet the minimum length of 114โ. The winner will be determined by weight.
Swordfish 60โ โ no minimum weight. To be eligible for weighing, a swordfish must meet the minimum length of 60โ. The winner will be determined by weight.
Tuna 50 lb
Dolphin 20 lb
Wahoo 40 lb
To be eligible for prize money all fish must meet the minimum weights set by the tournament.
Points are Given for Released Fish
Non cash prizes will be awarded to the top 5 anglers overall, top 3 female anglers and top 5 boats for accumulation of billfish points during the tournament.
A. Points will be awarded for catches and releases for billfish as follows:
1. White Marlin
Release = 70 points; Boated = 1 point per pound (must meet 70 lb. and 70โ minimum)
2. Blue Marlin
Boated = 1/3 point per pound (must meet 114โ length minimum โ no minimum weight. In order to be eligible for weighing, a blue marlin must meet the minimum length of 114โ. The winner will be determined by weight.)
3. Sailfish
Release = 70 points
Boated = 2 points per pound (must meet 30 lb. and 63โ minimum)
4. Swordfish
Release = 70 points
Boated = 1 point per pound (must meet 60โ length minimum โ no minimum weight. In order to be eligible for weighing, a swordfish must meet the minimum length of 60โ. The winner will be determined by weight.)
5. Spearfish
Release = 70 points
Short Bill, Long Bill and Mediterranean Spearfish are not allowed to be boated. However, for the purpose of identification and prize money eligibility during the White Marlin Open, a hatchet marlin/round scale spearfish will be considered a white marlin, and are allowed to be boated.
Catch and Release: A Prevailing Practice
The vast majority of billfish, including white marlin, blue marlin, and sailfish, caught during the White Marlin Open are released back into the ocean because the tournament sets minimum sizes for a fish to be eligible to win (see above.) This practice is not only encouraged but also incentivized through the tournament’s rules and point system. Anglers are awarded points for releasing billfish, contributing to their overall score and potential winnings. This approach reflects a shift in the fishing community’s mindset towards sustainability.
Weigh-ins of the Big Fish ONLY
While catch and release is the norm, the big fish that are in contention for the top 3 prizes in any category are brought to the scales at Harbour Island for weigh-in. However, strict size and species regulations are in place to ensure that only eligible fish are retained.
Donation of Fish to Local Charities
The organizers of the White Marlin Open encourage all participants in the tournament to donate their catches that are brought to the scales to local charities. Craig Pyle of Catch n Carry told us that every angler who comes in with fish during the White Marlin Open has the option of having Catch n Carry clean, cut up and flash freeze their catch. Then, the fish is donated to three local charities in the Ocean City area. Last year, the three beneficiaries were the Maryland Food Bank, Diakonia, and a local church, each of whom received over 500 pounds of donated fish, mostly tuna! A perfect way to provide a high nutritive value protein to those who are less fortunate. Who doesn’t love a meal of local seafood!
Catch n Carry
Craig Pyle said that Catch n Carry has been working with the White Marlin Open for the last three years. They offer their filleting service at the dock. After the fish is cut down – filleted or cut into steaks – Catch n Carry will flash freeze it in vacuum sealed low oxygen packaging. The blast-freezing process keeps the fish fresh for 1.5 – 2 years. His flash-freezing process is expensive and he wouldn’t be able to do all the work required by the White Marlin Open without another local altruist, Dvorak LLC. Tom Dvorak is the owner of this commercial and heavy electrical contracting company with an office on the Shore and they sponsor the work of Catch n Carry throughout the tournament.
When not working to process tons of fish during the White Marlin Open, Craig and his team help anglers in the Ocean City area clean, freeze and store their catches so it’s easier to take their fish home when they leave the resort. Check out their website for more information:
The fate of fish at the White Marlin Open is a testament to the evolving landscape of competitive fishing. Through a combination of catch-and-release practices, community engagement, and responsible handling, the tournament has transformed into a platform for conservation. This approach not only safeguards the future of billfish populations but also reinforces the notion that fishing can be a sustainable and enjoyable pastime for generations to come.