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Ocean City

Only in Ocean City: Fisher’s is the First Name in Ocean City Popcorn

Fishers Popcorn
A sunny day at Fisher’s Popcorn.

Okay, technically it’s a surname, but once you taste Fisher’s, you’ll know why it’s the only name in local popcorn.

The Fisher family has been cooking in kettles, perfecting their recipes right here in Ocean City since 1937, when Everett Fisher decided to open shop right on the boardwalk. While the third generation is now in charge and the business has grown to take up a few storefronts, it’s still undeniably, intoxicatingly enticing to anyone nearby. Who can resist fresh popcorn? And Fisher’s offers a few unique flavors, the kind of finds you’ll tell your hometown friends about once your OC vacation is over. While Old Bay-flavored things might be old news, you can count on Old Bay-dusted caramel popcorn to lift a few brows back home. Not as adventurous? Traditional butter is always available, too.

I make sure to stop by Fisher’s every time I’m walking the boards. It’s hard to avoid the toasty scent and flood of workers dropping bags and tubs of popcorn into outstretched, suntanned hands. Clear glass bins display the colorful, glazy bits of awesome, so it’s easy to see the quality buds you’re waiting so patiently to inhale.

Fortunately, everyone behind the counter is on board and ready to offer suggestions and answer questions. Mine included asking about what oils are used for popping (coconut oil primarily, but they do air-pop their caramel flavors) and what flavors are the most popular (caramel with and without peanuts).

Every single flavor is handmade with intention, with crisp, pure flavors to keep you going back to the bucket until your own demise slowly sets in. It’s hard to pick just one from the menu overhead.

Side note, Fisher’s differentiates between white cheddar and yellow cheddar. This may not seem like a big deal, but if you want that tell-tale symptom of cheese popcorn addiction a.k.a. neon orange fingers, you can make that call. And you will, because yellow cheddar has been my favorite from this shop since I was knee-high. Then again, the caramel apple and kettle flavors are up there, too. Oh, but the cheddar-caramel mix… They’re all dangerous, but in the best way.

A look at the menu at Fisher’s 200 South Boardwalk location.

In addition to classic summer Boardwalk snacks, Fisher’s also offers winter survival stashes and gifts for order in the off-season. Decorative tins and tubs in varying sizes are offered all year. While their mail-order business picks up in late fall for the winter holidays, popcorn is made daily and available for all holidays. A taste of the shore is a welcome gift for anyone, and would be welcome on your Thanksgiving appetizer table. The owners recommend airtight storage, which will keep your popcorn crisp for a long while. Fisher’s ships anywhere in the US and to military locations.

[promos][promo name=”Fisher’s Popcorn” business=”200 South Boardwalk, Ocean City, MD” img=”https://www.oceancity.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Fishers-2-1.jpg” link=”https://www.oceancity.com/restaurants-and-bars/fishers-popcorn/” cta_text=”Read More” small_img=”true” top_border=”1″] Fisher’s Popcorn has been making delicious caramel popcorn at the beaches of MD and DE since 1937. [/promo][/promos]

If you’re visiting in person, here are their hours:

Jan-May and Oct-Dec, Saturdays and Sundays from 10 am- 4 pm

April-Memorial Day and all Oct, Monday-Friday 10 am- 3 pm

Memorial Day – September, daily 9 am – 11 pm (may close earlier on rainy nights)


I hope I see you in line later on this year. I’ll be the one with the orange stains under my nails.

Jill Denton
Jill Dentonhttp://www.chefjilldoesthat.com%20
Jill Marie Denton, published author of the Second Saga series, also known as Chef Jill Siena, has spent most of her years right here on the Eastern Shore, near the heart of the Chesapeake, only wandering away to attend culinary school in Chicago and extern in Atlanta thereafter. Now that she's back, she's spending her days cooking for her friends and neighbors, working for the State of Delaware, and loving the food and culture of the surrounding states. Ocean City and its people have a particular place in her heart, as many of her clients and friends are year-round patrons, business owners and proud Marylanders. She's all about good food, sharing sunshine and living your best life. Come check out what she's up to on FB, IG, YouTube and her website! Her paperback and eBook novels are available on Amazon.com, Barnes and Noble and many other national booksellers.

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