57.2 F
Ocean City

The Original Greene Turtle Is Selling Masks

The Greene Turtle Selling Face Masks

How the Business is AdaptingGreene Turtle Face Mask

We are having trouble telling how people are reacting to us lately with the bottom half of our faces covered, and we are pretty sure the feeling is mutual. The Original Greene Turtle certainly did not expect the reaction or demand from the new logo face masks, but people want them.

Steve Pappas, the owner of the Original Green Turtle in Ocean City had originally ordered cloth masks with the restaurant’s logo on it for his employees. When the public saw them, they wanted them too. Pappas told us he certainly didn’t think customers would want them. “Whoever thought six months ago [The Original Greene] Turtle would be selling face masks.”  Pappas told us that they have sold more masks than he ever thought would happen. Pappas is now looking into face shields with the logo on them, but needs to find out from the Health Department if they are compliant PPE. 

About the Original Greene Turtle Face Masks:

  • 100% cotton
  • 6.1 oz t-shirt material
  • string ties
  • price: $7.95 plus shipping
Greene Turtle Face Mask
Margarita “to go”

Since the beginnings of the shut down, The Original Greene Turtle has been working hard to offer their great food and drinks while making sure they are compliant to rules as terms and conditions change. Due to sit down service not allowed, food and drink is available for pick up, including great mix drinks like pictured to the left. They also are offering daily specials on food and drink. Although the food and drink options are not new to what you have come to enjoy at the OGT, another modification to the new times is a the option to buy prepared family meals. Check out their site for the latest. Pappas told us that they are working on a plan to make sure The Original Greene Turtle will be compliant to open as a sit down restaurant when the time comes. 

Location: 11601 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, Maryland 21842


Greene Turtle Face MaskThe Original Greene Turtle, has continually shown its support to the community and of recent, the The Original Greene Turtle turned its exterior lights blue to support healthcare workers and front line workers for Health Care Heroes Day an initiative Governor Hogan’s office created. Everyone that participated was asked to post their pics if possible with the hashtag #LightItBlue

Jessica Bauer
Jessica Bauer
Jessica is a creative through and through. She loves creating from sun up to sun down. She is an artist, a friend, a mom, a wife, and whatever other hat she might wear in a day. You might find Jessica with a camera or sketch pad in the local area, but you might find her far and away as she loves to travel. If you see her say, hi and give her dog/baby, Joey a hello too since they usually travel together!

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