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Ocean City

Top 10 Things to do After Labor Day

Labor Day marks the unofficial end of of Summer, but Ocean City says they’re just getting started.

27th Annual Wine on the Beach

photo by ocmdhotels.com

9/9/22- 9/10/22

September is the perfect time to un-โ€wineโ€d and relax at the beach. Enjoy various samples of wines in your very own souvenir glass while enjoying live music.

When:ย  September 9-10, 2022 11am โ€“ 7pm

Where:ย  Inlet Park “Where the Boardwalk Begins”

Admission: $35.00 at the gate if not sold out. (includes souvenir glass)

Purchase tickets in advance http://winefest.com/tickets-beach.html

More infoย  follow our Facebook page and website

9/15/22 OC Bikefest

OC Bikefest
The 14th annual Delmarva Bike Week returns to Salisburyโ€™s Arthur W. Perdue Stadium and Winter Place Park as well as Seacrets on 49th Street in Ocean City and Rommel Harley-Davidson Delmarva in Seaford, Del., next week. Pictured, motorcycles fill Seacrets parking lot.

From motorcycles to music, OC Bikefest is a week you donโ€™t want to miss. Live music from KIX, Jackyl, Disturbed, Travis Tritt, Zac Brown Band and more.

When:ย  September 14-18, 2022ย 

Where:ย  Various Venues around OC including the Inlet, OC Convention Center, and Authur Purdue Stadium

Tickets: Prices vary from general admission to 3 day VIP admissionย 

To purchase tickets in advance visitย  https://ocbikefest.frontgatetickets.com/ย 

9/22/22 Lonestar Concert

With top country songs like Amazed, Iโ€™m Already There, and Not a Day Goes By, American country music group Lonestar takes Ocean City by storm.ย 

When:ย  September 14-18, 2022, 7:30pm

Where:ย  Ocean City Performing Arts Center

Tickets: Prices vary from $45 up to $125

To purchase tickets in advance visit https://ocmdperformingartscenter.com/upcoming-events/lonestarย 

9/29/22-10/2/22 Kite Loftโ€™s Sunfest Kite Festival

Colorful kites will fill the sky this weekend during the annual Sunfest Kite Festival, hosted by the Kite Loft, on the Boardwalk and beach at Sixth Street. (Photo courtesy of The Kite Loft)

Visitors and locals alike enjoy a spectacular view of these incredible flying kites. Hoping for winds between 6-18 mph, watch as the sky is transformed into a site of aliens, tv characters, flying sea creatures and much more!

When: September 29-October 2, 2022ย 

Where:ย  Between 4th and 6th streets

Tickets: Free

10/6/22-10/9/22 Endless Summer Cruisin’ Cars

In conjunction with the 41st Hot Rod Custom Car Show, Endless Summer Cruisin Cars is a show topper. Enjoy the boardwalk parade, neon light show, and drive in movie, in addition to a guest star appearance by Morgan Fairchild.

When: October 6-9, 2022ย 

Where:ย  Inlet Parking Lot, Roland E. Powell Convention Center

Tickets: Thurs./ Sun. $10, Fri./Sat. $15 Children under 14 are free with an adult

For more information visit https://specialeventpro.com/endless-summer-cruisinย 

10/7/22-10/9/22 41st Hot Rod Custom Car Show

This annual event highlights the cool classics, the muscle cars, and the suped up hot rods that everyone knows and loves. Appearance by Ian Roussel of Full Custom Garage October 7th from 11-4pm.

When: October 7-9, 2022ย 

Where:ย  Roland E. Powell Convention Center 9-5pm.

Tickets: Thurs. $10, Fri./Sat. $15

To purchase tickets in advance visit https://specialeventpro.com/hot-rod-showย 

10/19 Chicago the Musical

mayor meehan open house
The Ocean City Performing Arts includes 1,216 seats, including an orchestra section that can be removed to extend the stage.

After a 25 year vacation, Chicago brings all their jazz back to the beach. Donโ€™t miss your opportunity to sing along and witness the glitz and glamor that Chicago has.ย 

When: October 19, 2022ย 

Where:ย  Ocean City Performing Arts Center

Tickets: Prices vary from $65-$85

To purchase tickets in advance visit https://www.ococean.com/events/chicago-the-musicalย 

10/20/22- 10/23/22ย  Sunfestย 

Sunfest, an annual Ocean City tradition, showcases arts, crafts, all day music, and delicious local foods! This four day festival, now at the end of October, used to be the unofficial last celebration of summer. But with Ocean City continuing to host events through the Fall, Sunfest will continue the celebration into the last days of October. Sunfest is celebrating 47 years of fun!

When:ย  Thurs-Sat 10-7pm, Sun. 10-6pm.

Where:ย  Ocean City Inletย 

Tickets: Free

For more information visit https://www.ococean.com/events/sunfest22ย 

10/20-23 OCtober Fest Halloween Beachย  Maze

More than 3,000 people strolled through the O.CToberfest beach maze last weekend near North Dorchester Street in downtown Ocean City. The maze will be open 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday and Sunday.

Fun for everyone in the family! When the beach, Fall, and Halloween merge, itโ€™s bound to be a good time. Running two weekends in October, the beach Fall maze has zombies, skeletons, and witches but most of all fun.ย 

When: October 20-23, 2022, Sat.10-5pm, Sun.10-3pm

Where:ย  N Division Street and Boardwalk

Tickets: FREE

To purchase tickets in advance visit https://specialeventpro.com/oc-toberfestย 

10/29/22 Shore Craft Beer Festival

Come out to try over 30 different craft beers by local breweries at Sunset Park. Vendors, live music, and food trucks will be in attendance to compliment the event.

When: October 29, 2022ย 

Where:ย  Sunset Park 12:30- 4:30pm

Tickets: Prices vary from $15 up to $65

To purchase tickets in advance visit https://shorecraftbeer.ticketspice.com/octoberfest-2022ย 

Looking Ahead:

11/30/22 Hairspray the Musicalย 

11/12/22 Storm Warriors 5k

Katie Ruskey
Katie Ruskeyhttp://kruskeyauthor.com
Katie Ruskey is a local author, splitting her time between Baltimore and Ocean City. Her debut fiction novel, Marlin Week, was released in August 2022 based on three captains that fish in the infamous White Marlin Open. Her first children's book, The A B Seas of Ocean City, Maryland takes young readers on a tour of OC. For more information on how to purchase her books, visit her website www.kruskeyauthor.com or follow her on IG/FB at Katherine Ruskey Author.

Follow Oceancity.com


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  1. Regarding the photo caption for OC Bikefest, Rommell HD moved to Salisbury. Also, you should double check Winter Place Park venue — I believe that one has been closed to the Bikefest for the last couple of years.


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