50 F
Ocean City

Wedding Vendors in Ocean City, MD

Florists, Wedding Cakes, Photographers, Bands & DJ's

Everything You Need for Your Ocean City Wedding

Here is a helpful list of local Ocean City vendors offering wedding services.


Flowers for your Wedding Day

Ocean City Florist, Gifts & Flower Delivery

12909 Coastal Hwy · In Montego Bay Shopping Center
(410) 250-1636


2908 Philadelphia Ave, Ocean City, MD 21842

Flowers by Alison

9758 Carmody Ln, Ocean City, MD 21842


Wedding Photographers

Photographers, Drone Photography, and Videogrephers

Dona Jung Photography

(301) 252-6407

Chris Parypa Photography

(646) 441-0907



Wedding Cakes & Catering


Wedding Bands, DJ's, & Instrumentalists


coming soon