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Finding All The Information On A Property 

For many years the public relied on real estate agents for nearly all property information. For most people, the world of real estate is somewhat vast and complex, but with the right information, that world becomes much smaller. Historically, real estate agents have had access to information that was not readily available to the general public.

The majority of the public relied on real estate agents for such information as:

  • Past owners
  • Property sales history
  • Year it was built
  • Square footage
  • Appraisal value

The main source of that information remained a mystery for years. Of course, everyone knows the Multiple Listing Service (MLS) provides some of that information, but there were other sources as well.

Many years ago, SpecPrint, Inc. supplied large hard bound books for use, mainly by REALTORS . Those books contained all the above information plus items like:

  • Mapping
  • Boundary lines
  • Plats
  • Assessment and Taxation information
  • Neighboring land

Now, this information is available to everyone online:  www.specprint.com SpecPrint, Inc. is a company that provides a wealth of information on every property in the United States!  In fact, founded in 1980, SpecPrint has grown to be an industry leader in the field of real estate information. For easier cross referencing SpecPrint now offers property data details by:

  • Owners names and addresses
  • Lot size
  • Sales dates, etc.

All information provided by SpecPrint allows the easiest reference to assist in locating any such information and is available in a number of different formats for your convenience. The SpecPrint Real Estate Directory Service is the easiest way to transform the county assessorโ€™s office into book form. It is also available online. The Directory Service includes assessment maps and real property information โ€“ all gleaned directly from the assessorโ€™s rolls.

The Information Isn’t Enough Though…

Although this information is invaluable to consumers researching a particular property,  it cannot replace an experienced REALTOR.  A REALTOR would be better able to apply this information to your specific needs. Realtors have the expertise, negotiating skills, connections, ethics, and sage advice that the internet cannot provide. Beyond that, they often know of properties before they can display on the internet. Even though most sites will boast real-time up-to-date listings, Realtors often know of properties before they are active. If using the internet and other great tools like specprint.com can provide to be prepared to buy or sell a property, don’t forget the most important tool in your basket, a REALTOR.

Our special thanks to SpecPrint, Inc. for the information supplied and for assisting in this blog.

Joanna Laslo
Joanna Laslohttps://www.oceancitybeachproperties.com
Broker/Owner of Beach Real Estate, Inc., a local that Graduated from Stephen Decatur High School.ย  35+ years of experience in real estate sales.ย  Joanna is a broker in Maryland, Delaware and Virginia.ย  Joanna also manages Ocean City weekly condo and vacation rentals.

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