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Ocean City

Winterfest of Lights 2020

The More Things Change, The More They Stay The Same at Winterfest of Lights

Covid couldn’t conquer Winterfest of Lights 2020. Whether you’ve seen the event before or are getting ready to see it for the umpteenth time, ย get ready! The 28th year of the traditional holiday event starts next week.ย  While the event will look slightly different this year due to COVID, it’s something you won’t want to miss.

But what exactly will Winterfest of Lights 2020 look like? What has changed? What hasn’t? We have all the answers to your burning questions below.

Winterfest in years past

When is Winterfest 2020?

Guests can visit Winterfest from November 19, 2020-January 2, 2021 on Wednesday through Sunday nights only from 5:30-9:30 pm.

Where is it?

Northside Park at 200, 125th Street in Ocean City, Maryland, once again plays host to Winterfest of Lights 2020. Ocean City moved forward with plans for a modified event so we can once again celebrate the holidays in Ocean City style.

Are there tickets this year?

Yes. They are available at the gate or online. $5 for guests 12 years and older and FREE for children 11 years and younger.

What about ADA Accommodations?

The path is handicap accessible and there are handicap accessible parking spaces at the park. Guests can rent mobile wheelchairs, wheelchairs, and/or scooters (click the link!) for the low price of $10/hour by calling 302-280-6203. Strollers and wagons are welcome, too.

What about my pets?

Pets are welcome only on Wednesdays, and they must be leashed. Pet owners must pick-up and dispose of any pet waste.

Must my Family and I Mask-up?

Yes. If it isn’t possible to socially distance from others, guests must wear a mask. In order to go into Santa’s photo area and the gift store, guests go through a health screening. Masks must be worn indoors, too.

Are Bikes Permitted?

Not this year, sorry.

Can I drive through the event?

No, it is not possible to drive through Winterfest of Lights 2020.

What Can I Expect to See?

You can walk through Candy Cane Woods, see the ever-popular Santa’s Workshop and Reindeer Flight School displays (along with many more!), and you can take amazing pictures (selfies or family group photos-and please share them with us!).

On your journey, donโ€™t miss the amazing, 50-foot Winterfest Christmas tree โ€œperformingโ€ a show several times an hour.

Is the Gift Shop Open?

Yes, it will! Santa is also available for photos every night through December 23rd.

Please join us for an amazing holiday season treat, whether it’s your first time or you’re a repeat visitor. What are you waiting for? See you there!

For more information, please go to the town of Ocean City website.

Jack Bradley
Jack Bradley
Jack Bradley is a contributor to Oceancity.com and ShoreCraftBeer.com and works as an Academic Counselor at Delaware Technical Community College. He assists students with academic advisement, teaches first year seminars, manages the food pantry, and serves as advisor for the Alpha Zeta Kappa Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa, the Community College Honor Society. An English major at the College of the Holy Cross, Jack has always loved to write and is grateful for the opportunity to be a contributor to this site. He received an an M.B.A. from Clark University and an Ed.D. in Educational Leadership from the University of Delaware. When he is not working or writing, he can be found out and about in Ocean City and surrounding towns, enjoying the amazing attractions they have to offer.

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