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Worcester County offers free emergency training in Newark

Worcester County Emergency Services (WCES) invites the public to participate in a free, 8-sessionCommunity Emergency Response Team (CERT) course in Newark.

The training will take place at the Fire Training Center, located at 6743 Central Site Lane just off U.S. Rt. 113 adjacent to Worcester Technical High School, on Tuesdays from 6:30 โ€“ 9:30 p.m. from October 11 โ€“ November 22, 2016.

CERT is an informative, hands-on, educational program packed with information to equip residents, who have no prior emergency medical training, to support their families and communities during a disaster. Participants will gain the decision-making and practical skills necessary to offer immediate assistance to those in need following an emergency until further help can arrive.

Participants will learn to recognize both natural and manmade hazards. In addition to Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) training, sessions will include Disaster Preparedness, Disaster Fire Safety and Suppression, Disaster Medical Operations I and II, Light Search and Rescue and Hazardous Materials; Organization, Disaster Psychology, and Incident Command System; Practical Work Stations, and Special Topics. Upon completion of this program, students will be able to create disaster plans and supply kits.

Those who successfully complete the training will receive CPR and First Aid certification through the American Heart Association. During the course, instructors will provide information on hazards typical to Worcester County, hazardous materials in the home and the National Incident Management System. Instruction is geared to help residents better prepare and survive during the first 36 to 72 hours after a catastrophic event, when local first responder resources are stretched to their limits.

CERT is available at no cost to all interested residents thanks to the generous support of the Worcester County Commissioners. Space is limited to 20 individuals and is available on a first come, first served basis. For more info or to register, contact Tom Kane at 410-632-3080 or tkane@co.worcester.md.us.

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