55.4 F
Ocean City

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: When are the stores and shops on the Ocean City Boardwalk open?

A: There’s no set time for all stores to open or close on the Ocean City Boardwalk. Each business has its own unique hours of operation.

Q: How can I find out the hours for a specific store or restaurant?

A: The best way to find out the hours for your favorite stores and restaurants is to:

  • Check their individual websites
  • Look up their hours on their Facebook pages
  • Call them directly

Q: Are the stores open year-round?

A: Many stores and restaurants are open seasonally, with their hours varying depending on the time of year.

Q: When do most stores open for the season?

A: Typically, most stores and restaurants begin to open around Memorial Day weekend, often starting with weekend-only hours.

Q: When can I expect most stores to be open daily?

A: As the summer season progresses, you’ll find that most businesses are open daily during the week and on weekends.

Q: Are stores open after Labor Day?

A: Yes, many stores and restaurants remain open on weekends after Labor Day.

Q: Are there any special events that might extend store hours in the fall?

A: Yes, events like Oceans Calling and Sunfest often encourage businesses to remain open, at least on weekends, well into October.

Remember: It’s always best to confirm the hours of operation for a specific store or restaurant before heading to the Ocean City Boardwalk.

There is no universal time for a store to be open or closed.  Each business runs its own hours. So check the website or Facebook page of your favorite business to see their hours. Typically, the shops restaurants and stores open around Memorial Day, at least on the weekends.  As Spring moves into Summer, the businesses are almost all open during the week as well as the weekends.  Most businesses remain open on the weekends after Labor Day and will start closing as we get into October.  Now, with Oceans Calling, Sunfest and other big events in October, you will find the businesses will keep their stores and restaurants open at least on the weekends well into October.
Category: Boardwalk FAQ

Q: When are the stores and shops on the Ocean City Boardwalk open?

A: There’s no set time for all stores to open or close on the Ocean City Boardwalk. Each business has its own unique hours of operation.

Q: How can I find out the hours for a specific store or restaurant?

A: The best way to find out the hours for your favorite stores and restaurants is to:

  • Check their individual websites
  • Look up their hours on their Facebook pages
  • Call them directly

Q: Are the stores open year-round?

A: Many stores and restaurants are open seasonally, with their hours varying depending on the time of year.

Q: When do most stores open for the season?

A: Typically, most stores and restaurants begin to open around Memorial Day weekend, often starting with weekend-only hours.

Q: When can I expect most stores to be open daily?

A: As the summer season progresses, you’ll find that most businesses are open daily during the week and on weekends.

Q: Are stores open after Labor Day?

A: Yes, many stores and restaurants remain open on weekends after Labor Day.

Q: Are there any special events that might extend store hours in the fall?

A: Yes, events like Oceans Calling and Sunfest often encourage businesses to remain open, at least on weekends, well into October.

Remember: It’s always best to confirm the hours of operation for a specific store or restaurant before heading to the Ocean City Boardwalk.

There is no universal time for a store to be open or closed.  Each business runs its own hours. So check the website or Facebook page of your favorite business to see their hours. Typically, the shops restaurants and stores open around Memorial Day, at least on the weekends.  As Spring moves into Summer, the businesses are almost all open during the week as well as the weekends.  Most businesses remain open on the weekends after Labor Day and will start closing as we get into October.  Now, with Oceans Calling, Sunfest and other big events in October, you will find the businesses will keep their stores and restaurants open at least on the weekends well into October.
Category: Boardwalk FAQ


  1. What are the O.C. Police 👮‍♀️ doing to minimize the pot smoke all over the place?…
    We have gone from fighting cigarette smoke – to pot smoke!!!
    This is out of control
    Not good to walk my Grandkids around

  2. Hello I have two businesses in Ocean City and I like to be listed on your website and featured on your Facebook page. Can you please show me how to contact you or send me the link where I can look into marketing opportunities. Thank you!

    • Thanks for your interest in advertising on OceanCity.com. We will contact you regarding advertising on Ocean City by email today.

  3. Hello, I’m looking to relocate from Fayette County, Pa to Berlin, Md. There is my Fiance and 12 year old daughter and myself. I have heard that some hotels will allow you to stay at the hotel while you work there. I was wondering if there are any hotels in ocean city or around ocean city that might be hiring that may help with housing? I have experience in housekeeping, waitress and as a cook. I also worked other jobs as well. My fiance is multi talented. He can work security, construction, electrical work, plumbing, lawn care, etc. Any advice would be greatly appreciated… Thank You!!

  4. Hi, what is beach access like for people with disabilities? I do not need a wheelchair. I need a solid, relatively even surface to walk on. Where can I find this information?


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